Chapter 4

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4. The Darkness and a revelation

When I woke up it took me a few moments to remember what had happened. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with nothing but darkness. I realised I was laying on a cold stone floor and there were no windows whatsoever.

"What the hell" I whisper mostly to myself.

It takes me a moment but I finally get up. I can see a little light shining through under what I presume is a door. I slowly walk towards it and start looking for a door Handle but without any luck.

So I start screaming for them to let me out but nothing, I can't hear anything. So I keep screaming until I suddenly hear loud footsteps coming towards the door, I take a step back and the door slams open.

"I am going to say this once, you will be quiet from now on until you are allowed to leave here do you understand" a big guard in pitch black armour says entering the room.

I dont give an answer instead i try to run around him and out the door, but he grabs me by the back of my dress and pulls me harshly back into the room, he punches me into my stomach and i tumble to the ground, before I have a chance to catch my breath he starts kicking me and only when i scream out in pain he stops and bends down.

"One more scream and I won't stop!" he whispers coldly before he turns around and  leaves while tears are violently rushing down my cheeks.

I have no idea how long I was in there but it sure felt like weeks. I did get water a few times but it was always merely a sip, food I did not get at all, I wanted to scream and yell, but the guard had done a good job intimidating me and after a while I simply didn't have enough energy anymore.

I didn't see the guard again but I, like I said, also stopped screaming, in fact I didn't see anyone. The drinks were passed to me through a flap in the door, or brought in whenever I'm passed out and no one would say a word.

I am barely able to move at this point and I am extremely exhausted. Just as I am about to give up I can hear footsteps, no a clicking of heels, approaching the door.

I move up against the wall to make myself as little as possible not wanting to be beaten again.

It takes a moment but the door is soon pulled open and the room is suddenly flooded with bright light causing me to have to close my eyes not being used to it anymore.

And then I hear her voice and my heart sinks even deeper, having me tremble on the spot.

"My, My you really don't look good, princess". The dark Queen remarks amusement in her voice though I could bet there was something else I couldn't decipher.

Not thinking clearly anymore The only thing I know is that I desperately need water so the only thing that comes out is a raspy and very quiet "p- please".

"Hmm please what, my princess" the Queen questions now so close that I would have pulled away if I would have had the strength but I simply couldn't.

"Please, Water" I croaxe out my voice hoarse and raspy from not being used in so long.

"If I give it to you, will you be a good girl and do what I want, my princess?" she asks, while placing a hand on my hair, and I, being deprived of any human contact and water for so long, find myself nodding weakly.

"Good Girl" she cooes before I can feel a glass press against my lips.

The cold liquide does wonders for my sore throat. I can feel the Queen sitting closely next to me, but I still don't have the strength to move or do anything and quite frankly right now all I want is some human contact even if it's her.

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