Chapter 6

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6. A new life

The last four days I only spent in the Queen's chambers, she was with me most of the time and I quickly realized that just giving into whatever she wanted to do was easiest to keep her from getting angry and myself from getting hurt, so I just let her and honestly it wasn't even that bad I would lie saying I didn't enjoy being someone's focus for once even if it was just for a period of time.

Most of the time spent it would mean letting her feed me or dress me in different dresses, doing my hair or sometimes even just cuddling on her bed we also played some games and she showed me some cool things she was able to do with her magic, I couldn't understand why my parents had banned it, it would make so many things easier, I thought. She also insisted to bathe me twice. I was extremely uncomfortable but I Was so scared to be sent back into the darkness that I just obliged and after the initial shock it was actually rather relaxing.

Today I woke up to someone knocking at a door, it took me a moment before I was able to open my eyes. This time I was greeted by daylight and a comfortable bed. But I realized I wasn't in the Queen's chambers anymore.

I was ripped out of my thoughts by another knock now louder and harsher

"Come in." I say and the door opens. I can see Rose standing there holding a dress and some other things.

"You need to get up, the Queen is awaiting you for lunch, she has already let you miss breakfast." she says this time a lot softer than the last and I quickly follow her.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me, worry evident, as she gives me a small smile.

"I'm still feeling weak but it's getting better everyday." I respond.

"Hey I wanted to tell you, that I'm sorry for being such a bitch last time, I just had a really bad day." She suddenly says and I can't help but smile back at her, maybe there could be a new friendship here.

"It's fine i'm just glad you're not so angry anymore." I answer and then we booth start laughing.

"Just don't tell the Queen I was nice to you, she might have my head." she laughs and even though I find myself doubting that I still give her a nod.

"Can I ask you something Rose?" I question after a while.

"Well you already asked one thing so sure go ahead I'll try to answer as best as possible" she answers.

"How long was I in that room for?" I ask quietly, she halts and Her facial expression becomes serious but also sad.

"About fourteen days and then four days since I Saw you with the Queen for the first time." she answers quietly and I nod.

Rose bathes me again and dresses me into a very tight dark blue dress with a corset, oh how I hate those things always so tight you are not able to breath in them

"Does it have to be so tight?" I ask, groaning uncomfortably.

"Is someone too good for a corset?" Rose huffs laughing "Now sit down so I can finish your hair, princess" she says.

I follow her through the corridors until we are standing in front of the dinning hall. Fear washes over me remembering what happened last time.

"Wait here," Rose says softly and enters the room.

The minutes go by very slowly and I am extremely uncomfortable, the dress I am wearing shows a lot of cleavage and I can feel the guards eyes travelling up and down my body. After the dream I had, that was really the last thing I needed, but I was too scared to say anything and I knew they would never do anything more than watch.

It feels like hours until Rose finally opens the door again stepping outside.

"You better be respectful this time, princess." she spits full of hate and disgust, but this time i know it's just an act for the Queen even though I still haven't figured out why. She opens the door further and I enter before she closes it behind me.

I can feel the Queen's eyes on me and remembering what Rose told me last time I bow.

"Good Morning, your Majesty" I greet keeping my head down as I wait for her orders.

"Look up and sit down." she orders so cold that I flinch but quickly oblige hoping I wasn't the reason for her cold behavior I do as I am told and sit up straight.

"Hm I am glad to see you are learning, my princess" she says.

"Did you wake up alright and did everything go well with Rose?" She questions.

I take a deep breath and look up at her, knowing she hates it when one speaks without making eye contact.

"Yes everything went very well, your majesty, thank you." I answer as I try to have it sound like the truth but I am actually still uncomfortable remembering the way those guards looked at me.

"And yet you seem as if you were uncomfortable, because of the environment?" She asks again this time a bit more sternly and I know I have to tell the truth now or she'll get angry and I can't go back to that room.

"No not at all, Your Majesty, it's just some of the guards were.." I take a deep breath before continuing.

"..Looking at me very - uhm carefully and it simply made me feel a little uncomfortable waiting for Rose, but it really is nothing, Your Majesty" I answer giving her a small smile.

"Hm" she hums now also looking at me.

"If something like this happens again I want you to let me know immediately, my guards know there boundaries, but the dress is not helping I can see that, I will make sure it won't happen again, we wouldn't want you uncomfortable in your new home now would we, my sweet, innocent princess." she says reaching out and caressing my blushed cheek with her tumb for a moment before pulling away.

"Thank you, your majesty" I whisper, it being the only thing I know to say at that moment.

I flinch as the door opens with a load bang and servants start bringing in food and placing it on the table. That's when I realize I am extremely hungry. All I want to do is reach out and grab the nearest plate of pancakes, but once again I know to wait for the Queen to allow me to eat. She takes some things for herself and starts eating. I hate this but I am still too terrified to speak up and seriously I won't die waiting a few seconds longer knowing she'd speak any second, so where is the point of getting in trouble?

"Good, I believe you really did learn your lesson, now you may eat, princess." she chuckles.

"Thank you, your Majesty." I say, slowly putting some pancakes on my plate even though I'd love to just devour everything, so against my will I try to eat slowly and with posture remembering again what I was told.

"Such a Good little Girl, already knows how to behave." she cooes making my heart flutter just slightly at the gentle praise.

"You will have some lessons until lunch and afterwards you will spend some time with me, the first part will be your normal daily routine from now on until further notice." she continues.

"Of course, your majesty, may I ask what kind of lessons I will be attending?" I ask softly, still not sure if I am allowed to ask or not.

"Well I assume you had teachers back in the White Castle yes?" she questions raising an eyebrow.

"Yes I did, your Majesty" I answer frowning.

"Good then it will simply be a continuation of those and some lessons on the geographics and laws in my kingdoms" she answers chuckling lightly.

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