"Never Wanted Friends Anyway"

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Bell's P.O.V
'So that's how it is, is it?' Bell thought, tears rebelliously leaking out of his eyes despite his attempts to not cry because he'd survived on his own for a long time, and tears were better spent on those that cared.  

'That's their real feelings'.

'Even Riveria', Riveria whom I started to trust'.

'Even my so-called goddess'

Bell's insecurities were working overtime. A light crack was heard and only then did he realize that he was still holding Riveria's staff. He was going to put it in a place easily accessible so that, should it be called, it wouldn't take so long to answer her summons. But at this point, he didn't feel too charitable.

Bell dropped the Staff on the ground and willed his tears away. However, no matter how many wishes Bell made, none of them took away the sting of the words, words that oh so boldly claimed that he wasn't good enough. Words that he had heard before, countless times. But no matter, what did he care of their words? None, he had no care at all. Or at least, that was the appearance that would be shown and with those parting thoughts, away he went. Where? He knew not, he only knew that he had to escape what once seemed like humongous walls, now seemed to close in on him. With that thought in mind, Bell knew his destination. One of Orario's walls. The walls that, technically speaking, he wasn't allowed up on, but depending on what district's wall he was on, the punishment had the potential to be quite lax, or extremely severe. Should he be caught at Folkvangr's walls for example then he would be degraded, humiliated, and battered by one of the Freya Familia members? How do they get to claim their own part of Orario's wall, despite them being in the entertainment district, or just outside of it? Because the Freya Familia are ruthless, THE most powerful Familia and all in all, most likely to batter your Familia into the ground should you complain or use their wall without express permission. Should he be caught at the Entertainment District's wall, then he actually didn't know what would happen to him due to him only having second-hand information at best on what would happen, because of him never visiting the entertainment district, but words of the Amazonians deeds reach far and wide, especially on the streets. The Market Area was decent most of the time but should he attract the attention of Apollo, then game over. Especially now, after all, his Familia had made their thoughts on him well known. The best place for him to go was the wall at the Hephaistos' North-West Shop. Straight behind that was a wall that, while close to the guild who would fine you if they found you o the wall without permission, was far enough away from it so that they wouldn't immediately spot you. So with his destination in mind, off he went.

The sun was setting by the time he got there, to his delight. The rising and setting of the sun was always soothing to him and his frayed nerves, probably the best thing about Apollo was the sun, his grandfather would always take him out on the fifth day of the week and had always said that if you looked close enough at the sky, you could see the spot where Icarus fell. Impossible, I know, but it was always fun and relaxing to try and find it. There was a light breeze, strong enough so that it lightly parted my hair, but calm enough so that it was barely noticeable. Also due to the sun setting on the west, I had a beautiful, warm glow directed straight at me, it enveloped me, and that helped soothe my tears.

Slowly my worries slipped away, my despair and anger shuffling aside so that, while they were there, they were dominated by the sense of peace that was forced upon me due to the current surroundings, my only thoughts were about how I was safe, and with that last thought, I had drifted off, the arms of Hypnos cocooning around him and eventually taking care of me for another night, and taking me to a better time. 

The hostess of Fertility was packed with people. Festivities were high for some reason or another. There were many parties happening and one of them was an anniversary. This day marked the ninth year of Ais Wallenstien being in the Loki Familia and after a joyful night of singing , dancing, drinking and more festivities. The Loki familia were feeling fantastic. But alas, all good things must come to an end and just as the clock struck 2, the familia decided that they had spent long enough in the Hostess and decided to return to Twilight Manor. There they would celebrate (read as embarrass Ais) by reading and telling stories to the rest of the familia. There was one person in particular that Riveria was looking forward to see their reaction, and would retrieve him first thing as soon as they entered Twilight Manor. As soon as they had entered the manor, Riveria walked up to The Infirmary to retrieve Bell Cranel, only to find that no one was in the infirmary currently. Only slightly disheartened, Riveria decided to look for him. She started the search off by looking at his room. Nobody. The slightly tipsy high elf decided to check the Library. Nothing. The kitchen? Only Raul preparing cake for Ais. The manor was huge and she knew she couldn't find him anytime soon if Bell has gotten lost or for some reason, he didn't want to be found. With that thought In mind, she summoned her staff and recited one of the few incantations allowed outside of the dungeon. The locator spell allowed you to find any person, provided they were in their general vicinity. The power of Riveria's locating spell was so powerful that it managed to cover the whole district. But as the results came up blank, only one thought was on her mind. Bell Cranel was missing and when he was found he would be in some serious trouble.

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