Explaining lore/ Q & A 😭 Please ask questions so I can make more so bored 💔

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(Why the player deleted the game)
So as stated before the player who deleted the game to begin with was Kaleb, due to him not knowing how to add his original character in game properly.
However, the sprite sheet in Pico glitched causing Pico to shoot and overall causing these events to happen.

(Why Senpai hates Daddy Dearest and why he wants to reset the world in his favor)

1.Hates Daddy Dearest because he put him in the dating sim (this is obvious anyway)

2.He hates his influence on others such as Daddy Dearest making the beep bop bee de language (Which Senpai hates btw) and ironically the language in story switches too.

(Why is the Girlfriend's mom away/Why is the Girlfriend such a bitch?)

1.Before week 5 came out I thought it would be a smart idea to make her parents divorced because of their week placements- Besides I don't think they wear rings. But that was a stupid idea because of week five providing evidence of their relationship. So week five isn't canon in the story.
(besides it wouldn't genuinely fit)

2.The Girlfriend is stuck up and snobby because of her lack of a female role model while growing up, she tells herself that she won't end up like her mother but does anyway.

3.We don't know much about Girlfriend's character to be honest- She's just there to look pretty so why not give her interesting traits.

(Who tf is Kaleb?)

Kaleb is one Pico's ex-lovers

At first I originally planned for him just to be Pico's stalker ex lover but that sounded boring and cliche, so I gave him a more important role to the story so he wouldn't just be "there" to be there.

No, he's not a self-insert mary sue
(Talking about me in particular) but he is technically in story because irl Kaleb wanted to add himself to fnf.

He truly only exists because I wanted to make a dumb himbo in the story for shits and giggles.

Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x Boyfriend)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora