Chapter  Twenty

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|Ex-Girlfriend POV|

"What is something wrong?" Kaleb looked over to the side.

He looked really disappointed in himself, all I could do is stare until I could think of something to say.

I closed my eyes and started thinking about my father. "What would he say?" I asked myself.

I thought deeper and deeper until my face started scrunching up.

"You should be proud of your insecurities, **********." I remembered my father telling me, when I was younger.

I slowly open my eyes, I could see Kaleb still sulking.

"I can't judge your disability but I can judge you for trying to hide it from me." I grinned, slowly putting my hands on my hips.

"What're you sayin?" He slowly looked up at me.

"My father always told me to embrace my insecurities." I started cuffing my hands together.

"Maybe... You could do the same?" I looked up at him.

"I suppose you're right- I've always been self conscious about my eye since elementary school." Kaleb said.

"It took me years to grow out my hair so it could cover my entire face- I eventually found someone but I was too embarrassed to tell him about my eye." He grinned for a second to himself then frowned again.

"Him?" Intrigued I needed to know more.

"Yeah I used to date Pi-" He cut myself off.

"Yeah I used to date a boy named Paprika!" He laughed to himself.

"Sounded like you were about to say Pico." I raised a brow at him.

"Wh-Who's Pico?" I noticed sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Oh- Surprised you haven't heard of him. He allegedly survived a school shooting a few year's ago. Now he's dating my Ex-Boyfriend." I say.

"They're cute I guess... But my ex could've done waayyy better." I felt a little nauseous after saying that.

Maybe that was a little too snobby, I'll tone it down.

"Well- Anyways... Where's our waitress?" I slammed my hand on the table.

"Look- Speak of the devil." He pointed at our waitress Brittney.

"EEEEK!" Brittney screeched. She fell backwards onto the floor, our dishes falling on the floor as well.

"Are you okay?" Kaleb started scratching his head.

"Y-Your eye!" Brittney cried.

"That's rude- Like hell am I going to accept this from a waitress!" I yelled.

"You wanna know what? Forget this- I refuse to pay for anything I bought from this establishment!" I yelled once more, I felt my vocal cords vibrating.

My voice echoed throughout the restaurant, causing these two man to come grab me and Kaleb.

"Ugh! Let go of me!" I tried to wiggle myself free.

The man started walking with no response.

I noticed the man carrying Kaleb was going in the other direction.

Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now