Chapter Nineteen

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|Ex-Girlfriend Pov|
I noticed Kaleb slowly inch his hand towards his face, well towards the eyepatch he was wearing.

Looked like something a child would wear for halloween.

"Why is he even wearing it?" I asked myself.

It felt weird, the eyepatch didn't correlate to his outfit like... At all.

Kaleb started scratching at the eyepatch, causing the leather to make an annoying sound that echoed through the atmosphere.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him, I felt as though I saved myself from ticking off.

"I-It's just this eyepatch." He could barely even let the words out of his mouth, then proceeded to itch over and over.

"What about the eyepatch?" I asked him.

Besides it's childish look I don't understand the big issue.

"It's just so damn itchy!" Kaleb exclaimed. Then proceeded to scratch the eyepatch, causing the same sound to occur again and again.

"Maybe just simply take it off?" I shrugged.

Kaleb stopped scratching the eyepatch for a second, he then started slipping off the eyepatch inch by inch.

"Yeah maybe taking it off won't hurt!" He exclaimed.

However, as he said that I noticed the family sitting in front of us were all spazzing out again.

"Weird-" I told myself.

I mean... The family has been acting like this the whole time but this time it felt different- Urgent. Like their hopes and dreams being crushed before their very eyes.

Maybe that last bit was an over-exaggeration.

|Boyfriend Pov|

"Our hopes and dreams are being crushed before our very eyes!" I cried.

My whining was cut short when Pico slammed his hand on the table.

"Damn it! I knew this stupid plan wouldn't work-" Pico were incredibly riled up now.

"Hey- Don't lose hope. It's not like she would make fun of someone for a disability they can't control, right?" Mom smiled desperately trying to cheer everyone up, then slowly lost hope as well.

"Hey- Uh... Maybe we could cause a distraction so she doesn't notice his eye." I wiped the tears that ran down from earlier.

"That doesn't sound bad, I guess.... But exactly what can we do?" Mom put her finger to her mouth then shrugged.

"We possibly-" I try and spew out a idea.

"He took it off already." Skid and Pump said.

I felt all the motivation spill out of my body, I was standing before but my legs gave out causing me to slowly fall back into my seat.

Everyone else at the table were silent, I could hear waiter's/waitresses' place dishes at other tables because of the silence.

I looked down at my lap for a couple of seconds.

"So... No wild ideas now?" Pico scratched his head, I presume he was utterly confused why no one suggested to do anything.

"What else can we do?" I mumbled.

"Besides- Look at her. She looks so shocked." I pointed to her.

She had her hands covering her mouth, and she looked ill. Looked like she were shaking too.

I don't hate my Ex-Girlfriend but right now I'm feeling so nervous that her true colors might show, seriously what would she even say here?

I started thinking about all my memories with her until I noticed she was fixing her expression.

Her lips started moving, I couldn't hear what she was saying. Maybe she was whispering it to Kaleb, she didn't look angry or anything, she just looked surprised.

|Ex-Girlfriend Pov|
I tried my best to gather my words, I started cuffing my hands together. Rocking in the chair I was sitting in, I looked up at Kaleb and saw "it" again.

"See... I..."

Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x Boyfriend)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora