Chapter Sixteen

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All our mouths dropped.

"He didn't tell us he had a motorcycle!" I look over at the others.

"Do we just wait here?" Pico rubbed his chin.

"No!" Mom yelled.

"Why the hell not?" Pico asked.

"We need to observe the date silly goose!" Mom exclaimed.

"But before anything we need to change into our disguises."

"Disguises?" I started rubbing my head.

"Yes- Now. Pump and Skid change pigments!" She yelled.

"Yes ma'am!" The two saluted.

The two squat and start groaning.
Like they were going super- Forgot the name.

The two had completely finished changing pigments. Skid were orange and Pump were black and white.

Mom then suddenly threw Pico in the air causing him to perform a magical girl transformation.

"Here you can wear this." She threw a suit and tie at me.

"Tha-That's it?" I felt heartbroken.

"I'm running out of ideas." Mom shrugged.

Pico floats downward with the help of the dress he were wearing.

"Why do I have to wear drag Mama?!" Pico clenched his fists.

Then he uncontrollably curtseyed.

"What the hell?" Pico mumbled.

"I mean I thought it were cute-" Mom clapped her hands in joy.

"Besides just think of all the fan service- A edgy character in a dress will just have the crowd begging for more!" Mom exclaimed.

"You're creeping me out Mama-" Pico's teeth starting chattering.

"Well anyway- Do you guy's have a vehicle nearby?" Mom scanned the area.

"Wait- What about my hair?" I asked her.

"What about it?" Mom looked me up and down.

"Should I wear a wig or dye it..." I pointed at my hair.

She went behind me and put some weird substance in my hair, slicking it back.

"You sure they won't recognize me?" I started pointing at my hair again.

"If you're so worried just don't draw too much attention to myself." Mom rolled her eyes.

"What's the point of this disguise then..." I said to myself.

"OH- I almost forgot... My disguise." Mom gasped.

She whipped out a bunny mask and put it on.

"Foul proof? Am I right?" Mom insisted.

"You're the damn fool." Pico mumbled under his breath.

"Anyway- Skid and Pump climb on one another and look for anything useful nearby!" Mom ordered.

"Sir yes Sir!" The two said.

Incidentally realizing their mistake they corrected themselves.

"Ma'am yes Ma'am!" The two saluted.

"Now get the hustling!" Mom yelled.

A second later the two boy's starting making dinging sounds like they were a damn bell.

"DING DING DING DING DING!" The two yelled.

The two were pointing at someone parking their car across the street.

"Hey! You guy's aren't..." I gulped.

The two boys including Mom were doing somersaults across the street.

I quickly chased after them.

"Wait! I can't run in heels." Pico yelled.

"Hey! Mama heads up." Pico threw a firearm in the air.

Mom surprisingly caught the firearm and reloaded it too.

"Children excuse my language." She bowed.

"Get the fuck out of the car! Or I'll shoot you were the sun don't shine." She waved the gun in the car.

"Stop! Don't do this-" I begged.

I looked in the car and the guy weren't moving.

"You killed him?!" My mouth started foaming up.

"I would never- He just fainted like a little scaredy-cat." She laughed.

She opened the car door and pulled his body on the ground.

"Be careful at least! Not even fully sure if he's alive at all so why risk it-" I yelled.

"You're just going to bitch and complain? Come on hop in." Pico tapped the seat next to him.

Startled I get in the car and sit next to Pico.

Of course he thought this were completely fine.

"A car full of murders." I told myself.

"Any idea where they went?" Mom asked.

"If I know Kaleb I know he would've taken her to the place we went for our first date." Pico said confidently.

"And that place would be...?" Mom asked once more.

"Midnight Incognito." Pico replied.

"My husband would take me there all the time before he... passed."She sighed.

"We're totally over the fact that we stole this car?" I asked.

"Yes, besides who cares the guy were elderly anyways." Pico shrugged.

My head started aching.

"He could've had a heart attack!" I panicked.

"He weren't moving so it could be a possibility." Pico shrugged again.

"God you guy's are heartless-" I put my head down.

Suddenly Pico caresses my cheek and lifts my head up.

"We're not that cruel- Besides we're matchmaking our exes for whatever reason." Pico said.

"You forgot already? We're matchmaking them so Kaleb can leave you alone. And so they die happy!" I yelled.

"Oh right..." Pico rubbed his cheek.

"K let's stop the yelling Mama can't focus." Mom said.

"Unless... You want me to turn this baby around." She said.

"I honestly don't care anymore I just want this over with." I told myself.

Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now