Chapter Eight

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(Officially done using in game language because it's difficult to read and people keep commenting about on the nsfw 😭 despite there being a translation right next to it.)

You wake up later than usual.
You don't see Pico in the bed at all, you notice the bedroom door was left open.
You head downstairs and hear the TV blasting from the living room.

"Three days Three days." The TV said as you were slowly pacing towards the living room.

You peek at the couch and notice Pico sitting there, he looked like a zombie. All the life he had was all drained away, he looked a ghostly white. However, despite looking like a reanimated corpse you could see he was reversing the TV, causing it to repeat the same message over and over.

"Three days until what?" You starred at Pico waiting for a response.

Pico stopped reversing the TV and let the news broadcast play.

"A weird occurrence is happening downtown, locals say objects and even loved ones are being deleted from existence. Scientists say there's some on going virus deleting everything in it's path but they're not so sure. Scientists also say the virus will finish deleting our entire foundation in three day's or possibly less. This is the end." The news broadcaster says.

"Is this why you're moping around?" I grab the remote and turn off the TV.

"You can't believe everything you hear on the news y'know?" I desperately try and get Pico to snap out of it.

"Maybe we should leave the house! Possibly get some things off our personal bucket lists!" I say desperately trying to cheer Pico up.

"Hm.. I suppose you're right. Besides if this is real I really want to get revenge on that cafe guy before the world deletes itself." Pico started cracking his knuckles.

"Heh... I guess that's the spirit!" You make a awkward smile.

"Let's quit the dilly dallying. We have work to do." Pico says while going to the kitchen.

When he returned he handed me a bucket filled with some weird smelly liquid.

With no words he leads me to the cafe.

"Ok, I'll go on the roof. You knock on the back door and you throw that bucket of liquid at him. Alright?" Pico asked while crossing his arms.

"Yeah! I've done this before this should be easy." I exclaimed.

"Hmm.. Alright then." Pico looked me up and down.

Pico then climbed his way up to the rooftop, I could see him waiting for me.

I knock on the door.
A few seconds later the manager approaches me.

"Ahh- It's you again... What do you want now twink?" The manager starred deep into my soul.

"Erm... I..." I look up at the roof to Pico doing some weird hand-signal.

"Is someone there... Pico?! I can smell him." The manager looked to his left and right.

I looked up at Pico, he was doing the hand-signal again. But faster.

I throw the bucket of strange liquid at the monstrous manager.

"What is this? Smells like gasoline.." The manager took a whiff of his clothes.

"Huh? Gas-" Before I could even say anything I notice a small object lit on fire heading towards the manager.

The object hit the manager and he burst into flames in-front of my very eyes, I could feel the heat near me.

Before the manager could scream he started bugging and glitching out. Turning completely pixelated, the pixels broke apart. The pixels hit the ground at disappeared.

"Was he..." I turn my head and see Pico sliding down a ladder

He ran up to me.

"I'm not the only one that saw that- Right?" He said while trying to catch his breath.

"Was he deleted?" I look behind Pico and notice the Cafe was deleted as well.

"He would've been deleted? Well this was a waste of time..." Pico rolled his eyes.

"I'm so confused what did you make me do?" I started shaking and dropped the bucket.

"Revenge. Duh." Pico replied.

"Thought you did this before? Guess that was a lie." Pico snickered.

"I thought we were going to pull some prank- Not kill him!" I picked up the bucket and threw it at Pico.

"Ow- Was that necessary? Besides he deserved it. All people like him deserve that." Pico has completely lost it.

"Don't tell me- You do this to innocent people.." I tried not to vomit.

"Not necessarily "innocent" people- Besides I haven't killed anyone else after that birthday incident." Pico shrugged.

"So those bags... Were filled with bodies?!" I screeched.

"Yes, but they were my friends. I didn't mean to- I was just paranoid. A school shooting and dozens of other depressing events but that's for another story." Pico shrugged it off once again.

"How can you be so nonchalant about it- What if you hurt me one day?" I ask.

"Year's pass and you get over things- One way or another." Pico replies.

"I love you Pico but maybe you need help?" I suggest.

"I can help myself." He tells me.

"I'll help you-" I grab his hand.

"Well I guess we got that off our bucket list.." I scratch out the word revenge off my bucket list.

"So what's next?" Pico asks.

"I really wanted to check up on my Girlfriend." I reply.

"Your girlfriend? Thought we were officially dating now." Pico raises a brow.

"Opps- I didn't mean that... I really need to stop referring to her as girlfriend." I twiddle my fingers.

"Doesn't she have a name?" Pico stares at me.

"I honestly forgot it-" I put my head down in shame.

"Some lover you are." I could taste the sarcasm in his voice.

Pico started walking off.

"Hey! Wait up." I say while trying to catch up.

"Can we speak to her tomorrow- It's getting dark." Pico fold his arms.

"No, like you said enough dilly dallying." I roll my eyes.

"Do you even know her location or number-" Pico muttered.

"I don't know her exact location but I know her number." I say.

I try and look in my pocket for my phone but it magically disappeared.

"Looking for this?" Pico says.

"Hey! That's my phone." I grab my phone back.

"Surprised you didn't notice me take it." Pico winks.

Ignoring him, I dial my ex girlfriend's number.

"It's ringing." I say surprised.

"That's how phones work-" Pico makes a puzzled face at me.

Someone answers....

"Hello is someone there?" I ask.

Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now