"GET HER!" Pinkie yelled as she tried to hold me down...

Rarity pulled her off of me

Twilight rolled her eyes and just simply grabbed my arm tight but not enough to hurt me and took off one arm and AJ pulling the coat away from me.

Pinkie then went "AWWWW I WANTED TO TACKLE HER" 

I started breathing quickly and heavily...

Shy immediately held me as twilight was examining my bruises and the gauze...

"Rainbow do you cut yourself?!" Twilight asked

"Yes I would harm myself!... Of course not egghead! My stupi-"

I saw principal luna come on and hid my face

"Why is rainbow dash on the table girls?" She asked

I said nothing and pinkie explained as twilight carefully removed the gauze and blood cells gushing out

I tried not to cry in pain as she removed the rest of the gauze...

Luna came over and helped twi but It was too late and it was now on the floor, and all over table all over twilight and Luna's hands...

It looked like a murder scene!

People started to show up and principal celestia came back but saw the mess and came over with the first aid kit... Rarity locked the doors so no one else came in and my face was all over the school news late saying "cry baby dash can't stand a cut" 


I started crying when they started cleaning it and this surprised EVERYONE in the room... I never cried in front of anyone unless it was bad... Like when tank had to hibernate... He is my best friend! He's in hibernation now at fluttershy's sanctuary!

I cried more and more... They finished cleaning it as best they could for now but they said they would check it at the end of prom and see if it needs stitches or not...

My phone started ringing with soarin i reached for the phone with my hurt arm... "Soary..." I said with a whimper

AJ gave me the phone and answering it

In held it and tried to get off the table but fell to the floor... I lost WAY to much blood and AJ just held me

"Just talk to him"

Soarin in my Boyfriend and BFF

"soary..." I said quietly

"Hey baby dashie what's wrong" He said

"Giwda hwrt me... Where are you... I want you... Pwease..." I said in my baby voice I only used with him

"I'm at the left back stage door it's locked" He said

I posted and AJ brought me over

She opened it showing soarin

I hung up, "soary" I reached out to him and he took me from AJ and came in

"Shhhhhhh it's gonna be ok..." He said feeling my head then holding me close, "you not feeling good baby"

I nodded as I wrapped myself around him

The 2 principals had gone to calm down the crowd

The girls were in an awesome of cuteness as soarin told me

"Giwda hwrt me..."

"Where baby"

"She has bruises all over her body, s knife cut, and a bump on her head from pinkie... The first 2 are from Gilda" Twilight said

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