Veintiséis años

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Q of the day - favorite ice cream flavor?
this ^ 😍

ShaynaBayna8 has requested a handjob in class so they shall receive so warning <3

As soon as the bell rang everyone rushed out of the room for lunch, I stayed behind with clay which always made his day.

"I love you" he said as I walked up to him and sat down on his lap latching my arms around his neck for comfort.

"I love you too" I mumbled, it felt so weird to say I love you too someone I mean who couldn't say it to him.

"want food?" He said picking up a crisp out of the small wrinkly bag I smiled and nodded as he placed it in my mouth.

I pushed myself up forward shoving my face into his shoulder I suddenly felt something hit my stomach.

I looked down and giggled

"you got a little problem" I said grinding my thighs against it once again.

He smiled  "don't be such a tease" he said wincing his face in spin for a slight second. I pushed myself off of him and walked over to the door locking it.

I giggled and dropped to my knees in front of him

"I hate you but love you at the same time" he said as I ran my finger along the zipper of his denim jeans. I smiled once more and pulled the zipper down.

idk how mens underwear work but I know they have a thing where the pp comes out 💀

He bit his lip watching me wrap my hand around the base of his pp I smiled and looked up at him through my eyelashes.
My middle finger and thumb barely touched.

"this is for calling me tease" I said going immediately at a fast pace he flung his head back and groaned running his hand down his face.

I smirked back at him as I went at the godly like pace.
"g-george i-im ~" before he could finish his sentence a loud of white liquid shot out, some hitting my face and some on the floor.

He sat there and panted looking at me small sweat droplets dripped off his face. The bell than rang.

"oops" I said jumping up from my knees looking at the tall male as he rushed to zip up his fly. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped the cum off the ground and some off my mouth.

I unlocked the door and laughed as boys and girls rushed inside the room. I walked out with my friend into the hallway still thinking about clays sweaty face.

"hey george you have some white stuff on your mouth" Alex pointed out wiping it off of my lip and some onto his shirt.

Little did he know.

All I could do was stay in shock as we split our ways.

Love you all💛💛

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