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Bold george.
look at the example above ⬆

I looked through my closet, throwing clothes on the floor and filing them across my bed, I sat in the middle of my small room and sighed looking at all the clothes. "What am I going to wear!" I yelled out loud. I glanced around my room till something caught my eye.

It was a black tight dress that fitted tightly but also comfortable around my body. I reached over the pile of clothes and grabbed it. It stopped at my mid thigh and was a nice shade.

I smirked and got up holding the dress, I grinned and took my clothes off setting them onto my bed, I slipped the dress from over my small feet. I zipped it up and looked at it in my full length mirror.

It fit perfectly around my waist making it pop out more, the spaghetti strings exposing the small mole on my shoulder. I liked it. I got the dress three years ago, I stole it from my sister after her date.

"GEORGE OPEN THE DOOR" Banging on my door was making my room vibrate I rolled my eyes and dragged myself to my door, I opened it wide and sighed. The tall boy with the beanie on his head looked me up and down.

"damn gogy you look hot" He said looking at my hairless legs all the way to my bright chocolate eyes. I blushed from the boys words.

"We leave in like forty minutes" he said walking away as his shoes stomped on the floor. I walked to my closet stepping onto piles of clothes, I grabbed some white air force ones and sipped them onto my feet.

I took one last look in the mirror, negative thoughts were flowing through my head what if someone judges me. what if people look at me weird.

"Who gives a fuck" I whispered under my breath as I walked out of my messy room into the lit up bathroom. I took out some lip gloss and smeared it onto my lips rubbing them together. I put a little bit of blush onto my cheeks and nose.

I put the makeup back into the cluttered drawer, I looked at the hot curling iron next to me and curled certain parts of my hair making it curly. Once I was done I took the plug out of the wall and put it under the sink.

I put in small golden studs into my small ears, I patted down my dress and walked out of the bathroom. Nick, Karl, Alex were sitting on the couch there heads turned to me as I stepped out. I scrunched my face up. "So?" I said patting down my dress once again.

They nodded there heads and clapped "looking bold" Nick said in his southern accent looking at me.

"well we should go..were late" The boys said getting up grabbing there wallets, phones and keys from the small couch I did the same quickly and headed put the door. The tall boy with the beanie lead the way.


We arrived at the building, there were many cars and even some people outside sitting in the porch the building next to it was were Mr taken was having his short meeting with the other teachers.

I pulled out my phone and opened his contact maybe I could pay him a visit once he was done.

George: Hey how long is your meeting im at the party.

Mr taken: My meeting ends in like three minutes.

George: Cool wanna meet in your classroom when your done ill wait there.

I put my phone away with a grin and got out of the silver car, I walked over to the front of the building with everyone.
"hey I'll catch you guys late ill be back" I said walking the opposite direction down the long hallway too the familiar class.

I opened the door and flicked the light on, I looked at the tidy classroom I sat down in the comfy leather chair. I waiting on my phone scrolling through twitter twisting in the chair.

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