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I finished my third class, aka my last one it was a good day, I was so confident and bold I finished a test that I didn't even study for in twenty minutes. I walked out of my class, I made sure my skirt was pulled down as I tried my best to shuffle through people.

Chatter filled the air as my small body was being pushed around.
I passed many lockers as I got closer to the glass doors with tints of metal.

I pushed open the heavy door and ran over to the black car that had tinted black windows, I got many stares and confused faces as I slipped myself into the car.

I saw the dirty blonde staring at his phone as he scrolled through twitter, he smiled at me. I threw my backpack into his empty back seats. His smile turned into a smirk, he pulled me into a kiss.

"Were in front of the school clay" I whispered once he pulled away from my lips, he placed his hands on the wheel and hit the gas pedal.

Slowww down, grab the wall. go on..

The drive to his house was quiet, the faint music from the radio was in the background, I bit my bottom lip unbuckling my seat belt. I opened the door and walked up to the steps. I pushed the unlocked door open and sighed.

"baby , would you like something to eat?" He said slipping his shoes off by the wooden door. I nodded my head as I slowly started petting the cat, she purred loudly.

The tall blonde disappeared into the kitchen, I followed behind him like a clingy dog. I sat down onto the twisty barstool and watched him.

"you didn't have to tease me like that" He said pulling a pan out and setting it onto the gas stove. I blushed.

"your right im sorry daddy-" I giggled out as I watched his movements. He turned on the stove, it made a clicking sound before bringing heat. He adjusted his pants and blushed like crazy.

"like that heh?" I said with a urge to laugh, I loved watching such a top collapse under a bottom.

He smirked as he placed some bacon onto the hot pan, the sound of sizzle filled the air. The blonde ran his fingers through his silky hair, watching his bacon.

"Did you know your cute?" I stated admiring his face, he had spotted freckles perfectly placed over his nose and under his eyes, his hazel eyes shined from the hanging light. He giggled, it was so cute.

"your way cuter" He said walking around the island to me, he hovered over my small body, he cupped my face making me look up at him.

"oh yeah?" I said closing my eyes, he brought our lips together, his lips were so soft and comfortable I could stay there for hours but he pulled away.

"Go pick a movie im almost done with the food" He said giving me a head up to leave the room, I got up and walked into the living room. I plopped onto the soft couch and grabbed the remote.

I heard plates clicking and silverware being picked up. I turned the tv on and put on a random show. I cuddled with patches as I waited for the tall blonde to come in the living room.

"Here" Clay said handing me my plate that had a blt and some chips too the side. I fixed my posture and gripped the plate staring at my food.

"what a chef" I joked bringing a singular chip to my lips, he looked at the tv as he took a bite out of his sandwich a faint crunch coming from his mouth.

I was looking at the tv taking a small bite out of the crunchy
BLT sandwich, I moved a little bit adjusting my skirt. "Ow" I said moving over slightly pulling a small tube from under my butt.

"is this lip gloss?" I said looking at at clays wide eyes. He fluttered them a few times trying to remember.

"yeah its mine" he said taking it out of my hand as setting it next to him. I had a huge suspicion but I dropped it as I continued eating.

"after this can you take me home I need to study" I said setting my plate down on the coffee table, he nodded his head since he was chewing.

After an hour of chatter, giggles and cuddles I needed to head home it was getting dark outside and I needed to stream tomorrow.

"can you take me home daddy" I giggled at my own "joke" I knew it made his heart jump. He tried to cover it up by rolling his eyes he gripped onto the keys and signaled me to get up.

I got up pulling my skirt down making sure my ass wasn't exposed. We both walked to the familiar door and outside into the  foggy air.


I gave the tall blonde a small peck on the check before opening the door, and running up to the door I covered the back of my skirt so no one saw.

I pushed open the large heavy doors, it was warm on the inside kids were eating,talking,laughing in the lounge, I rolled my eyes trying to make my way to the doors.

"your such a slut~" the familiar face whispered into my ear from the back, I immediately turned around our faces met.

"don't call me that" I said shoving him back, he was too close for my liking. I tapped onto the elevator button aggressively.

"I know what you did.." He smirked hovering over my body. I was confused I made eye contact with him.

"what are you talking about" I said rolling my eyes again crossing my arms together.

"you and clay-" the words made my heart drop to my toes, my thoughts were moving at 100mph, I scratched the back of my neck with wide eyes.

He grabbed his phone and shoved it in my face, it was me and the dirty blonde in his car kissing. I looked down at my feet embarrassed.

"now if you don't want me to leak this you have to to some things for me.." He said smirking as the elevator doors opened. The words made my heart start to beat faster my breathing picked up.

"What..?" I asked looking up into his bright blue eyes that had lust. He was acting so off.

He snatched my phone out of my pocket and typed something, but I couldn't see I was too short.
"Here ill text you when you get in your dorm" he smirked as he walked back to his friends.

I got inside the elevator and took a deep breath, my fingers started to shake as I hit the "5" button on the number pad. I paced and kept telling myself to calm down, that it will be okay.

I didn't want to leave the elevator but I had too I dragged myself down the hallway, cheering coming from farther down. I opened my dorm room and groaned I heard laughter coming from quackitys room.

I peeked through his door and saw he was streaming, I sighed and walked back into my room. I threw myself onto my fluffy bed and slipped my shoes off.


I sat up and took a deep breath before taking my phone out, I typed in my password and opened his contact.

Keith: send me nudes.

Poor gogy

Love you all💛💛

I wrote this in the dark at 1am so uh sorry for less detail and misspelled words.

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