He couldn't believe this though he had no choice he had to arm himself 

"Theo hurry up get up there,"

 Alice cried as she managed to inflict a blow the soul was soon gone. She then pounced on the next one with such vicious malice Theo saw his chances he had to time it lucky there were more than two lifts on this structure. Most of the contenders all seemed to race to one out of the two lifts. This was Theo's chance to get the head start so he made a dash to the other elevator that soon caught some of the attention of the other contenders.

Theo ran into the empty elevator and saw the swarm of others heading in his direction; he quickly slammed the button hard and the doors were closing. He was panicking he fumbled to get into his backpack which he had to take off his back the doors soon slammed shut the crashing of blades against the exterior scared him he cowardly into the corner of the lift which started to crank itself away from the ground. 

Theo peered through the glass windows as the other contenders were now opting to find a way to get up faster. Some clearly rushed back to the other lift and piled in others were caught in the fight. Theo realised he abandoned Alice by herself though he had the anxious wait to get to the top of the structure. In that time he decided to turn his attention to the scarf pieces in his bag; he took one piece out; and noticed the other pieces had knitted together; it was then he noticed it was complete and the tail end seemed to have appeared.

Theo held the complete scarf in awe and then felt a sudden pull, whenever he touched each piece before he saw quick glimpses of what was hidden within. He saw Randolph and Maxence's entire life path; everything was now all melded together. He wondered how the end piece came to be now he was seeing things that expected. 

Theo sat there on the elevator floor aware of the chaos outside more so what was going to be awaiting him at the top. One moment sprung out at him the second time he met Dr Fèvre. Theo held onto those moments, they meant something to him. With their aunt forgetting about them and his sister struggling to get by day by day if they never met Dr Fèvre they may be in the worst situation. For now, Theo focused upon a particular memory that had eventually surfaced into his mind where it was just himself and the doctor.

"I wonder if I'll find out how my father died. I see his spirit I know he is watching over me unable to tell me anything," 

Theo said he tried to keep himself from weeping as Max wrote the information down and listened. Theo watched the doctor solemnly, it was then Max put the pen down 

"I'm sorry you're unable to get answers. Is it ok I can check your breathing and heart first," Max proceeded to start with the heart and respiratory.

He grabbed the stethoscope and Theo looked at it 

"It's ok I'm just going to need you to lift your shirt a little I'll listen to your heart. I just you breathe in out ok," 

Max smiled as Theo complied there was no reason to be reluctant at all. Theo breathed in and out as Max asked him to and he couldn't even remember the last time he even saw a doctor at all.

Max watched Theo's face. He couldn't help but somewhat feel a connection, he wasn't sure at first though he continued with his check-up. 

"At least your breathing and heart sound fine which is good. I'll check your ears and throat,"

 Max placed the stethoscope down on a mat he laid out on the table top.

"That's good I guess I often wonder if I'll ever experience love" Theo looked into the doctor's eyes, Maxence wrote down into Theodore's medical folder. He looked sideways and caught Theo blue eyes seeking an answer.

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