He scoffed, "Do my ears deceive me?" "No" I said, "I hate penguins" "But why?" He asked confused, "Penguins are the best creatures to ever live on the face of the earth" "I don't believe that" I said, "I think that dogs are the best creatures to have ever lived on the face of the earth"

"Dogs" he scoffed, "Dogs?" "Dogs" I said slowly, "D-O-G-S. They're cute" "Penguins are cuter" he frowned, "My goal today is to get you to love penguins as much as I do" "Okay good luck with that" I said. "Oh I will" He said.

"It's probably closed now anyway" I said, "There's no one here" I looked around and had my point proven. "Well let's find out" he said walking to the ticket booth.

I stood there at the entrance and waited for him. I saw him argue with the man at the booth probably because the zoo was closed. But he surprised me and came back with two tickets in his hand.

He walked up to me and smirked waving the two tickets at me. "How did you manage to get two tickets when the zoo is closed?" I asked. "It's not closed...yet" he said, "In 20 minutes it'll close" "What are we supposed to do in twenty minutes?" I asked. "Well that's where we'll start" he said grabbing my wrist, "To the penguins!"

He dragged me all the way to the penguins which was on the other side of the zoo. It took about five minutes at the pace we were going but we managed to get there.

Luke let go of me and ran to the penguins and stopped at the window. He smushed his face against it and stared in awe of the small animals. "Emily how can you hate them?" He asked.

Just then one of the smallest penguins waddled to the window. "Emily! Emily! Come!" He yelled which frightened the penguin. "No it's okay little buddy" Luke said as I walked up to the window, "I'm not scary"

"He can't understand you" I said leaning against the window. "Don't be a bummer like you always are" He turned around and frowned at me. "What if it's a girl?" I asked and put my hand on my hip.

"Male and Female penguins look different" he started to explain, "You see the male has a-" "I don't need the details" I said. "When you do, I've done research and I can tell you a whole presentation about them" he said looking back to the penguins.

"Okay..." I said rubbing my temples, "You've done research about penguins. That's what I call obsessed" "It's called dedication" he said, "Why are you in such a bad mood?"

"Maybe because you called me fat or the fact that I don't want to be here in this stupid zoo looking at stupid penguins" I stated. "Penguins aren't stupid and I said I was sorry" he said, "I didn't mean it like that" "What did you mean?" I asked getting angrier by the minute.

"Nothing" he said, "We'll deal with this later. For now let's enjoy the penguins" "You bet we'll deal with this later" I said.

"Look!" He said pointing to a sign. He ran up to the sign, "'Interact with the penguins' We gotta do that" "From 4:30pm to 8pm" I said reading the bottom of the sign, "It's 8:05" He frowned but then walked up to me, "I got an idea"

(Disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea how this goes or if this even happens in the real world so if you are a penguin enthusiast I'm sorry yay)

He walked up to the chain covering the entrance and managed to get himself over it. "Luke" I whispered yelled, "You're going to get into so much trouble" "It's all worth you loving penguins" He said raising the chain for me to walk under, "And correction we're going to get into so much trouble"

"What if we get caught? Or we get stuck in there? It's almost late anyways and someone's going to come in and see us" I said pacing back and forth. "Emily" Luke said watching me. "

If they catch us we could go to jail or something and they'll tell our moms" I said frustrated. "Emily" Luke kept calling after me but I still ignored him. "Emily relax" He said putting his hand on my shoulders which I shook off, "Live a little"

"Don't tell me to 'live a little' Luke" I snapped back. He looked at me with puppy eyes and I rolled my eyes. "Fine" I said going under the chain, "If I get into trouble because of you, you're dead meat"

He smiled, "You already hate me, you can't hate me more" "I hated you less before, but I can hate you more" I said pointing at him. "You hated me less?" He asked. "I actually did" I said.

"Let's go" he said, "I want you to realize how amazing penguins are"

We walked down the hallway tiptoeing so nobody could hear us. "Do you even know where we're going?" I asked him. "No" He said calmly. "Then how are we supposed to get there- Oh there's a sign" I said. He turned left and there was a door.

He turned the knob and it opened. "I was hoping for it to be closed" I whispered. "Shush" Luke whispered motioning me to go inside.

I huffed and walked inside. "Look!" Luke said pointing in the other direction. I walked over as Luke ran and quickly stopped.

I looked over and a small penguin was smushed together between two other penguins in a corner. Luke pulled out his phone and took a picture of the penguin. "Luke" I whisper yelled, "The flash" His eyes grew wide and he turned around to see the smallest penguin stare at him. "Oops" he said.

The little penguin stood up and waddled his way over to Luke. "Aw little guy come... here?" He said frowning as the penguin waddled past him. The penguin waddled to my feet and laid down. "That's what I call rejection" I chuckled. "It's not a secret I'm just a reject" Luke said.

"What do I do with this thing on me?" I asked. I looked up to see that Luke took a picture of me. "Hey!" I said which woke up the baby penguin. "Oh no I'm so sorry" I knelt down to the penguin and laid it on my lap as I sat cross-legged.

"Do you love it?" He asked sitting cross legged in front of me. "I dunno" I said, "It's really cute" I heard it making quiet sounds and smiled. "Did I achieve my goal?" Luke asked. "I think you did" I chuckled. "Well that's good enough for me"

"Let's take a picture to remember this moment" I said pulling out my Polaroid camera. "I thought you said that you would never want to be in the same picture as me ever again" Luke protested. "Don't ruin the moment" I said, "Smile!" I pressed the button and the photo started coming from the bottom.

I took the picture and showed it to Luke. "Cute" I said looking at it, "The penguin I mean" "Yeah the penguin" Luke said. "I'm keeping this" I said putting it into my bag. "The penguin or the picture?" Luke joked. "Maybe both" I joked.

"HEY YOU TWO!" I heard someone say which made Luke jump, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" "I-um-we" I stuttered which woke up the baby penguin. "You two aren't supposed to be here" He said, "I called the police"

"For what?" Luke said, "Proving to her that penguins are the best animals ever existed?" "For breaking and entering" The man said, "Now you two get out!" "Fine" Luke said. I walked out with him and waved good bye to the baby penguin who was waddling after me. "The door was open anyway" Luke yelled before running away.

"Sassy" I said. "What can I say?" He said as we walked out of the zoo. "Aren't the police supposed to come and get us or something?" I asked. "You're so goody goody" Luke said, "They won't find us anyway" "Don't jinx it Hemmings" I said, "I still say I blame you" "You could blame me all you want but I still won't care" he said.

We walked all the way to the hotel and made our way to our hotel room. "Do you have the room key?" He asked me. "I thought you had it" I said. "Well I don't" he said. "Let's ask our moms" I said. "Great idea" he said sarcastically.

I knocked on the door and it opened. In the room were two angry mothers with their hands on their hips.

"Busted" Luke and I both said at the same time.


It's been a VERY VERY VERY long time How ya doin? I am crammed with homework but I have big ideas for this book and vote and comment and all that shiz

4k reads? I applaud every single one of you who added this to their library or whoever has commented and voted

See you soon (not really depends lol)


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Twitter: @/discxnnectedsos

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