Girl: N....No..!! I guess you covered main details....

Shanaya: Not main... I always start my list of observation from the bottom.!!!!

Girl: They are right.... You are a psychopath.!!!!

Shanaya: They.???

Girl: People who can't stand you... people who hates you....

Shanaya: Ahhaaa.... I love them..... they are suchha fans of mine.!!!!! Even being my haters they follow me so closely.!!! The dedication.!!!!

Girl: Don't get too full off yourself.!!! They do it so that they can show the world how fake you are....

Shanaya: Look I don't owe you any explanation but if so... still think of it.... All they have is me on their mind.!!!!

(Saying this Shanaya left the restroom... in the courtroom everyone was settled down and the hearing started..... Shanaya was standing in the accused stand.... She was going to fight on her own.... The whole Oberoi family along with Shanaya's Dad, Jihaan, Manav, Priya were present.... with whole lot of press and Dixit along with Shrivastav!!!!)

Judge: Please start the hearing..

(The prosecution who was Shrivastav had a top lawyer .....)

Lawyer: Thank you My Lord.!!!! So as we all know we are gathered here to take the mask off the very well known and everyone's favorite and most trusted bodyguard "The Shanaya Shekhawat!"

She is not only accused of being a fraud but also a kidnapper.!!! She used her position and her contacts to purposely kidnapping a kid and then dragging her from one place to another by forcing.... let me clearly say... forcing Mr. Virat to change the places of the kid...)

Judge: Do you have any proof supporting your allegations??

Lawyer : Yes My Lord.!! I have couple of witnesses.... First I would like to call Mr. Virat...

(Virat is been called and he come s and stand in the witness stand ......)

Lawyer: So tell us Mr. Virat....

(Virat saw towards Shanaya with most apologetic face...)

Lawyer: You need to speak up Mr. Virat.... Don't be scared of anyone or be emotional as it will affect you.!!! Tell us.... what happened

(Virat again looked at Shanaya and said..)

Virat: Sorry my favorite.....

So the thing is that... Shanaya is my favorite.... I will do anything to make her happy and doing this for her was nothing..... we were not kidnapping her... I just picked up the kid and was going from one place to another as per discussed with Shanaya.... I was making sure the kid eats on time and and had enough water....

Lawyer: Thank you Mr. Virat...

Judge: Does Ms. Shanaya Shekhawat wants to ask Mr. Virat any questions??!

Shanaya: No.

(From among the stands .... Aditya was getting restless and when Shanaya denied to ask any questions to Virat... he was about blast off but Aarush handled him.... murmur started amongst the press people in stands as well...)

Lawyer: Okay then You may go Mr. Virat.... Now let me call the one who was victim of this psychopath..!!! The little girl who was kidnapped.... Piya...!

(Piya was walked in with her father to the witness stand...)

Lawyer: Hello beta...

Piya: Hello...

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