The Cracks In A Skull

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You're a beautiful lie and I'm the painful truth -Sinth

Feeling the windy breeze guide my hand was like watching a magic show. Watching as my hand slowly bent to its will without any strings attached was obsessive. Realizing that finally, on this bright summer day I had control of myself. Nothing was being forced of me and nothing was being taken away. I was safe.

But this safety on lasted because of him

He protects me


I sadly woke up again.  the exact same place I fell into darkness. This time, Sinths green orange eyes were staring straight at me. Studying me. He was deep in thought when I let out a croak. 

He sighed as if disappointed "Oh so you've awoken already? Sad." 

What a complete asshat.

"Yeah, so sorry to disappoint you," I said. Still, a little lightheaded.

With a swift movement, he grabbed my face with his index finger and thumb. Pressing them hard into my cheeks. I winced in pain. This was so uncomfortable. Almost unbearable. 

"You don't want to mess with me right now. This attitude of yours... I'm going to have to fix that." he let go. And I sagged like a rag doll into the soft cushions of the bed. 

I was always stubborn but his threats made me shiver. 

Letting it brush past my shoulder trying to look brave, I said, "You were so nice at the pub. I wonder what happened. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or something?" I winced ready for a backlash but he only chuckled.

It surprised me. Caught me off guard. 

"You know, I hit you in the nose on purpose," he said.

I gasped not being able to form words.

"Yeah. I needed to make sure you were as fragile as you looked."

Oh, this bastard. He did it all on purpose. I can't believe this. I was furious and it must've shown on my face because this asshole started grinning.

"I'm guessing you're a little disappointed huh?" He shifted. 

I sat up in the bed. I don't know what possessed me to do this but I hauled my legs over the bed. Acting as if Sinth wasn't right beside me, I got to my feet. My face just bares inches away from his chest. I moved to the side walking right past him. Reaching for the clothes on the chair. They never moved, Sinth began to speak. 

"So we're playing this game huh? You really want to do this the hard way?" He turned to face me but I didn't meet his gaze.

I just picked up the clothes and said, "Where's the bathroom?"

He looked pissed but he said, "On your left."

Walking across the room to the door I didn't even recognize was there. I reached for the handle. Pulling it, I halted. Dropping my clothes and letting out a violent scream. 

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