A Heavy Intrusion

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You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one -Esme

Looking up at the sky now, I could finally see its warmest colors. All the darkness covering anything that could possibly hint at a little bit of beauty finally stripped itself. The horrific things I'd seen before vanished. And along with it my worries. The sun shined as a token of my bravery. Our bravery. 

It was also his.

I will never forget him. 


The last thing I remember was watching a bullet go through Iona's head. Right in front of me. It was terrifying watching her eyes roll to the back of her head. That scared the absolute shit out of me. Why would someone do this? Why would someone kill my sister? The thought of losing her just made my body completely shut down leaving me in a pit full of darkness. I didn't know where I was. And I didn't care. I just wanted to go back to drawing. I wanted to go back to playing in the woods with my best friend. But she was gone. They took her. 

Trying to put mind over matter, I was awoken with a loud clatter. This utterly irritated me. I was enjoying the escape of reality only for it to be taken from me. Just like my sister. 

I growled and sat up ready to kill whatever made that scrutinizing sound. 

"Oh you're awake miss, the boss would like to speak with you." A short figure was standing at the very end of this ancient rocky bed I lay on. Their voice sounded to belong to a woman. A younger woman at that. It had something in its hand. Like it dropped it and just had picked it up.

Where the hell was I? What the fuck is going on?

As if it read my mind, the figure slowly stalked towards me. Coming into a vivid light that left my body rooted in its position. This thing was horrific. Almost indescribable. Its head was covered in what appeared to be snakes. Eyes, a color darker than black. Almost mesmerizing black. Its nails were long and its fingers were covered in coal. If none of these horrific things were visible. This thing would almost be enchantingly gorgeous. It's fatigue body and striking jawline. 

It let out a bulging laugh that was almost hot in a way. 

Oh my god, what is wrong with me? Why am I thinking something as disgusting as this could somehow be hot? 

"I see I left you speechless huh?" Its laughter only grew. Enjoying my terrified face. I just wanted it to go away. I felt like I was being hypnotized. I couldn't look away because it was so beautiful. Yet it was hideous. 

It came closer. Laying itself right next to me on the bed. Closing the little gap between us. Its lips gently pressed against my collar bone. Teasing me slowly with light kisses. This felt so wrong but I couldn't escape. I tried to push away but it only brought me closer. Its arms engulfed me. Positioning me awkwardly. My body was pressed against theirs and only then did I realize what this thing was. 

This thing was a woman. Her breasts pressed against mine with light pressure. Her lips slowly making their way up to my neck. Her snakes seeming to not even realize how close they were to me. She softly nibbled along my sensitive nape. I gasped and she stopped.

"HA! It makes me so happy to hear sounds like that come from you. Boss will be so happy. I can't wait to see him break you." As if what she said made no impact on me whatsoever. She let go of me. 

"Put those clothes on there" she pointed across the room to a chair. "And meet me downstairs." 

Rising from the bed making her way across the room. She opened a latch in the ground. She made her way down to what seemed like stairs. Disappearing in the light that came from the hole in the ground. As the latch closed darkness engulfed me. I gasped

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