What Started It All

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I preordered death but it was taking a lifetime -Esme

What awoken me from my slumber was not the swaying of endless trees. Or the slight breeze that brushed over my drenched clothing. It was neither the sun's rays that smiled down on my inundated skin. Or the scent of the wild and thick moss that covered every branch of every tree.

What awoken me was my mind's endless cage being broken.

And I couldn't have done it.


Not without him.


"Esme are you finished?" Iona asked stirring me from my light fantasy.

"What?" I asked a little dazed.

Iona looked at me with senile eyes. Supposing that I just misunderstood her.

"With the drawing?" She proceeded. Her eyes fell to the notepad in my hand and the pen carelessly flipping between my fingers.

As if I'd been pinched on my hide, I let out a loud "Oh!"

Finally understanding what she meant, I nodded my head quickly. Showing her the drawing.

She crouched, leveling with the notepad. Letting out a loud gasp, she began to admire the drawing for what felt like forever. She planted her pointer finger on the drawing, tracing the lines and curves. Her eyes following her finger.

Not taking her eyes off the image she said,

"You are so talented Esme. I actually thought this was a real bird." She tapped the notepad as eager as ever.

I slightly smiled and retreated the notepad.

Every drawing I make tells a story. This bird I drew seemed lonely. It was the only bird I've seen today. With as many trees out here, it's almost scary. Every day, Esme and I visit the forest. With nothing else on our hands, it's the only place we can go to really feel something. With branches creaking and leave chattering, it's a perfect place to use your imagination.

Iona is my oldest sister. She was born 4 years before me. There's never really anything for us to do other than go outside. Our parents vanished leaving us in the hands of an old man who worked an old bar. We helped out as much as we could but the bar seemed rather quiet this summer. Customers usually visited the bar at night. But we never had any new customers. The same people, over and over. The old man, we called him Freddy. He was a fit man with a kind heart. He taught us how to speak german and the basics school would've taught. He was an old caring soul that made sure we had everything we needed. He doesn't like to admit it but I sure got the hint that he was a long-lost relative.

He resembled similar features Iona and I had. Our long eyelashes and light brown eyes. Freddy was rather feminine-looking. Though his voice wasn't far off from an angry pirate.

As I sat in the moist dirt. Resting my head on a slimy tree. Iona spoke,

"Esme we should get back. It'll be dark soon my love." Iona reached for my hands to pull me off my bum.

I retreated my hands in defiance. "Iona, please. We haven't been out here that long. I still want to draw a little more."

She looked at me a little annoyed. "Esme, we've been out here all day. Freddy will start looking for us soon. We must head back and tell him we're okay." She reached for my notepad but I snatched it away.

"No" I uttered.

Her face seemed to echo a very angry mother. She placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows. She wasn't very intimidating but still.

"Esme. I won't ask again. It is getting late. We must return to the bar" her voice was a little louder. I could sense her patience wearing off.

I rolled my eyes and got to my feet. "Whatever Iona." I brushed past her and headed towards the bar. She followed in silence.

While we were walking I looked around. Admiring the sway of the trees and the sound of rushing water coming from a nearby lake. Our shoes colliding with dried-up sticks and leaves that cracked under pressure.

Just the scent of the forest calmed me. The beauty in the tree trunks not going unnoticed. By the time the bar came into view, I was completely calmed down.

Looking back for Iona she seemed to be calmed down as well. As we walked to the building we could see Freddy cooking in the kitchen through the french window. He seemed tired. But it wasn't the kind of tired from not enough sleep. It was rather tired from a long day.

Heading up the steps of the building, I was about to open the door when it opened on its own. Hitting me in the nose with it.

I howled grabbing my nose as the pain reached to my brain.

"Oh my god. Esme? Esme are you ok?" Iona lifted my head and gasped at the sight.

I was bleeding. And blood kept on trailing out of my nose and down my mouth.

Passing by the person who had originally hit me in the face with a door. Iona rushed into the bar to get me napkins.

"Hold your head up" She yelled over her shoulder.

"Holy shit! I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were right behind the door" a raspy voice said.

Completely pissed off I turned to face them and gasped.

He was gorgeous. His hair was a blue-grey color. His eyes were just as mesmerizing carrying a color of green mixed with orange. He was wearing a buttoned shirt, but the buttons weren't clasped. I could see his chest. It was bare and on it was a snake tattoo. The tattoo seemed to continue to wrap around his torso. And he was pretty tall. His fingers were pretty skinny but his nails were long. Like claws.

"Are you okay?" He asked reaching for my hand. but I pulled away running into the bar.

Iona bumped into me with a bunch of napkins. Rather panicked she said, "I said to hold your head up."

"I did," I replied.

"And keep it up, dummy." She pushed the napkins to my nose and applied a little pressure. I tilted my head back and groaned.

Not really paying attention to our surroundings. I realized that there were quite a few people in the bar. More than usual. They all stared at me with concern on their faces. They all looked foreign. Some looked mean, while others looked sweet.

Freddy stumbled out from the back. His face saying what he didn't

What happened. Esme? Are you okay?

The idiot who hit me in the face brushed past me. He held his hand out for the napkin Iona was using to pat my nose and she gave it to him. He lightly tapped my nose with the napkin. His index finger lightly pushing my chin up to meet his eyes.

He whispered slightly "I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean to hit you in the face." He seemed genuinely sorry and I nodded.

With butterflies in golfing my stomach, I pushed them down and said,

"There's a window in the door for a reason dude. Maybe next time check it before slamming the door into someone's face?"

Iona scoffed at me and a few people from the bar chuckled and went back to their drinks. The guy who hit me raised an eyebrow but nodded his head in compliance.

"I have a name you know. It's Sinth."

I rolled my eyes but smiled a little. He returned it with a smirk.


Well, guys,

I think I'm going to end the first chapter here. Though it's a little shorter than I was trying to have it. I think I'm going to leave what happens next for the next chapter. As you know This is exactly how the toxic deadly spiral started. Esme meets Sinth. Sinth seems like an angel at first. but just wait and see my loves. You may love him now but you're going to hate him later. With that being said please make sure to message me or comment what you think about the story. I am open to ideas. and as always I love ya'lls support,

-k dolly

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