I don't have to turn around to know it's Nicholas. The way the sun shines just a little brighter tells me that, plus the way my heart thumps just a little harder. I turn my head and see him writing in Joel's notes. He checks the monitors behind Joel's head and scribbles some more. He gets out a sheet of paper, scribbles something else and puts the notes back.

"How is he?" I ask.

"Everything is as it should be, but I'm not the doctor," he says.

"You don't work down here normally," I note.

"You're right, but I'm down here for two reasons. One, my speciality is Joel's disease, so the consultant sent me down here to check on him. Two, I came to check on you. Have you eaten, or had anything to drink? Have you even left his bedside since visiting started?"

"I'm fine," I answer.

"I'm on lunch in two minutes, so come with me," he says with a sigh. Clearly, he knows I'm lying.


"He's not going anywhere, Aspen. He'd want you to look after yourself. He's being looked after perfectly," Nicholas says.

I meet those amber eyes and suddenly, the volcano I thought was dormant becomes active — the world seems a little lighter. I nod, grab my phone from the side, and follow him.


"Part of all of this is making sure that you look after yourself, Aspen. Joel has the easy job here," Nicholas mentions as we walk out of the main hospital doors into the chilly February air. I cling to my takeaway cup and notice the number of people walking past with their jackets and scarves around them, their breath coming out in a cloud, swirling, and dancing in the air. I'm out in just my t-shirt; the ICU is like a heatwave.

"Here," Nicholas breaks the peace. He puts his cup and the bag of sandwiches down on the wall in front of us and takes his hoodie off.

"No, no, it's cold. I'll warm up, it's fine," I say when he offers it to me.

"Don't be silly. Here," he insists. When he smiles, I put my arms in the sleeves, relishing the warmth. He perches on the wall beside me and hands me my lunch.

"Thank you," I say.

"Don't mention it," he responds.

"You know something?" I ask. He glances at me. "It's been just over a month since we met, and I don't know much about you. I can't believe it's February second, either. Where did the time go?"

He chuckles and finishes his mouthful before responding. "Time speeds by when you're not watching it. There isn't a lot to know that you don't already know about me. What were you thinking?"

"I don't know, I guess, everything?" I bite the sandwich, just so I have a reason to stop talking.

"Okay, well, my name is Nicholas Knight, though I'm usually Nick to everyone but my mum and you, apparently. I'm twenty-one, am a nurse... and that's about it." He gives me a playful grin when he stops talking, and I feel all my inhibitions fly away like a bubble in the wind. I can practically hear it when it pops and sends them scattering into the atmosphere.

"But I know all of that. Give me something I don't know!" I smile and playfully nudge him with my elbow.

"Okay... I have a bit of an obsession with the film Tangled," he says quietly. "It's such a brilliant film."

My Blossoming RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now