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Niall and I had been dating for 5 months now. For the first month after Niall and I had kissed we had been going on little dates and discussing if we wanted relationships now and after a month we could finally call each other boyfriends. Niall moved into my room and his old room is now just for storage  

Niall and I were getting ready for a double date with Lou and Harry

"Looking dashing as all ways Nialler," I said while walking into our room and leaning on the doorframe

"When are you going to start getting ready?" Niall asked "We are going to a posh place remember"

"I know, I know no need to remind me again" I entered the room fully and made my way over to Niall "I can get dressed fast"

I kissed Niall and he kissed me too. Recently our small kisses were turning into hours in bed...

"Right let's stop before we cancel on Louis and Harry" I pulled away from the kiss

I collected my suit from the wardrobe and got it on in about 3 minutes 

"See I am Pietro when it comes to putting on clothes" I bragged 

Niall rolled his eyes and huffed 

"Yeah just like Pietro in bed as well," He said leaving the room adjusting his tie

"That was rude! That was uncalled for!" I shouted but also laughed as he was presumably in the living room

"Okay, I'm sorry you are probably like...Sam Wilson in bed!" Niall shouted

"Sam! Why Sam?" I shouted back

"I feel like he'd just be really good at it!" Niall shouted for the last time

I started thinking about The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and if Sam and Bucky have done it together

Yeah he probably is quite good at it

"You don't have a tie" Niall informed me walking into the room

"I don't need a tie I just leave the top button undone," I told him

"Fine, I've called the taxi it should be here in about 5 minutes" Niall once again informed me

The taxi came quicker than expected as we were both eating jam on toast as the message to say the taxi was here pinged on Niall's phone

We finished our toast, ran down the stairs and made our way into the taxi

Louis and Harry insisted ongoing at night so all the street lamps were on and everything was quiet until Niall spoke

"I heard you ages ago when you said you wanted to go on double dates with Louis and Harry"

I turned towards him

"You did?"

"I did. I hear a lot of the things you say and try to cover up"

I laughed a little and responded

"I thought I was good at covering up what I said"

"You are honestly terrible at it" Niall laughed a little

"I guess I need to get better at that then" I kissed Niall cheek and went back to playing with my rings

We arrived at the restaurant, I thanked the driver and paid him then made our way inside 

It took us only a few seconds to find where Louis and Harry were sitting

"Hello boys," Louis said with a smile on his face "I haven't seen you in ages"

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