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I got on the train and when I did I saw the carriage I entered was nearly empty, there was only a boy on his phone and a girl reading a book. I looked around for a seat that had a table because then I'd have space to place my bag on one of the seats. After looking for about a minute I found one, I practically threw my stuff next to the window and then sat on the outside seat

I rummaged through the pockets of my jeans, which contained coins, my keys and other random things,  for my headphones, I found them but they were, unfortunately, all tangled up. I sighed and began untangling them, it took a while but when I was done I plugged them into my phone and clicked on the Spotify app 

"What should I listen to?" I spoke to myself while looking through my endless amounts of playlists

I finally chose Coldplay and just started scrolling through my phones apps. I was around 8 songs in when I sensed the train had stop meaning we were at the last stop before London

A minute had passed since the train stopped but no one had entered the carriage yet, that's when I felt a light touch on my right shoulder, I took my headphones out of my ears and looked up to meet whoever had tapped me and that's when I saw a man around the same age as me with messy blonde hair, dashing blue eyes, casual clothing...nice nose, cute lips

Right, Liam stop! 

"Can I help you?" I asked with a smile tugging upon my lips

"Umm, I was wondering if I could sit here?" He asked with his thick Irish accent pointing directly across from me

"Yeah of course you may" I directed my hand towards the seat. I placed my headphones back in my ears and let the music play, that's when I faintly heard the man's voice saying something to me. I took my headphone back out and that was when I heard him clearly

"You live in London?" 

I nodded, I don't really like meeting new people let alone small talk

"I've just moved here from Ireland" He informed me

"Yeah. I could tell from your accent, where in Ireland are you from?" I asked giving into the conversation

"Mullingar, it's small and you kinda just know everyone," He told me. Seems nice knowing everyone

"That must be nice" I spoke not knowing what to say

It was silent for a second and it was just the two of us staring at each other

"I'm from Wolverhampton, it's pretty boring so moved here" I tried starting up the conversation again and apparently it worked

"It took me ages to have enough money to come here, how old are you if you're okay with telling me?" He seemed quite shy 

"I'm 20 but it's my birthday in just over a week," I told him slowly feeling more comfortable

"Oh, our birthdays aren't too far apart, my birthday is September 13th"

I quickly did the maths in my head 

"Our birthdays are 15 days apart" I smiled a little

The man looked down and slowly did the math

"29th August?" He questioned chuckling a little bit at his own stupidity 

"Yeah" I chuckled with him

A few seconds after the man gasped a little and facepalmed 

"I forgot to ask you what's your name? I'm so stupid that should have been the first question I asked" He was so shy to the point where it was adorable

"Honestly it's okay don't worry" I smiled at him and he smiled back "My name is Liam, what's yours?" I asked him


Oh my god even his name is cute

"You have a really nice name," I told him trying no to sound weird

"You do as well, I've never met a Liam before," Niall told me

"Well I've never met a Niall before so we are even" I smiled and he blushed a little

He is so cute!

The conversation ended and it wasn't awkward at all, if anything I felt a little sad knowing I won't see him again. I put my headphones back in and listened to music for the rest of the trip with a few glances towards Niall and sometimes seeing out of the corner of my eye, him looking at me

I know I shouldn't get too attached to someone or even like them because he might not even be gay. He could be straight having sex with loads of girls but... he's probably not like that he's too sweet and innocent to be messing around with girls and he's quite shy so I doubt he's like that at all

Or he's a secret sex god that pretends he's innocent to lure people in and they end up having the best sex of their life

Okay, I need to stop thinking of a guy I've just met like this, he's probably not even gay...

AN: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, I know it was kinda boring and short but I needed them to meet and learn a little about each other <3 

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