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Niall and I arrived home with bags of food from McDonald's, KFC, Nandos literally anywhere you can think of that sells food and with Harry and Louis gone. No idea where they went?

Niall and I arranged all the food on plates then put them on our coffee table in front of the sofa and began one of the best nights of my life

"Right what do you wanna watch first?" I asked Niall and he answered almost immediately 

"Harry Potter! All of them!"

Niall and I always had long conversations about Harry Potter, about our favourite ships, our favourite characters, our least favourite characters, our least favourite ships literally anything but we had never actually sat down and watched it together so when he suggested it I knew this was going to be something I'll treasure

I started the first film and Niall jumped up and down like a little puppy. I couldn't help but smile. He didn't realise that he made me happy

None of us spoke throughout the whole film but as soon as the credits began we both erupted into a discussion. The talk lasted about 20 minutes of us just saying our favourite parts of the film, he stopped talking when I said

"Second film and wine Nialler?" 

He loved it when I called him that, I knew from his smile

"Yes we shall Payno"

And he knew I loved that name. Niall went and got us some wine glasses, I opened the bottle and asked how much he wanted. I started off pouring slowly not thinking he wanted much but turns out...

"Whole glass" Niall forced

"Niall it's going to overflow!" I laughed

Niall just shrugged his shoulder and laughed too 

"Right I'm stopping here!" I chuckled, Niall pouted his bottom lip like a child

I poured myself a glass and began playing The Chamber of Secrets 

The only time Niall and I spoke were to ask for more wine. When the film ended I knew Niall was drunk. But so was I. In the last 3 hours, we had 4 and a half glasses of wine. We had completely deserted the film and began having our own conversation

"What made you gay?" Niall asked with slurred words

"What?" I asked 

"Who or what made you realise you were gay?" He said clearer this time but his words were still slurred

"Louis," I said confidently 

"Louis! Like your friend Louis?" He asked shocked

I nodded my head "Yeah it was a couple of years back like 7 years ago and I really liked Louis but I knew he was straight so I didn't do anything, well actually now I think... He was making out with Harry earlier so I don't think he's straight"

"Maybe Harry was his gay awakening!" Niall practically shouted

"Yes! Definitely" I agreed with him then went back to me liking Louis "I slowly began to lose feeling to Lou after like 2 years as then I met Zayn and me and Zayn dated for 2 years but then he was doing his criminal shit so I broke up with him"

Niall looked at me as if I told the most amazing story "Fascinating!"

"Enough about me, who made you realise you were gay?" I asked 


"How funny! Our friends are making us realise we are gay" I chuckled

"Yeah, we have to thank them for that! Anyway, Harry and I have known each other since we were 10 so..."

"10 years" I helped him

"Thank you" He smiled "Well I was around his house one day when I was like 13 and he was being all cute and stuff and I couldn't help but keep my eyes off him and I felt these butterflies in my stomach and I didn't really know what to do as I had never felt like this before as my mum always told me to marry a pretty girl but I was never really interested in girls it was always boys that took my interest" He explained

"Did you ever tell your mum you didn't want to marry a girl?" I asked him sadly

He just shook his head "No only my brother and he was very supportive of me and promised he'd help me find a boyfriend but then he...got ill so I've never told anyone but you and my brother" I could hear the hurt in his voice as he mentioned his brother. I shuffled closer to him

"Your brother seemed like an amazing guy and remember he loves you so much. I know if he was still here he'd do anything to help you find a boyfriend and I'm glad someone was supportive of you as I didn't have that when I came out, I got kicked out and I had to move in with Lou which wasn't the best as the police were round every other day asking where Zayn and Louis were. Luckily, I got enough money to get to this place and look now, I'm here with the most amazing and supportive person ever" 

Niall tried not to cry but when he could he threw himself onto me and began crying, I held him letting him know I'm always here for him and he doesn't have to explain himself at all if he just wants a hug, I'll hug him, again and again, reassuring him everything will get better

I hated seeing Niall cry, it hurt me knowing he was hurting 

𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞 ~ 𝐍𝐢𝐚𝐦Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu