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Liam POV:

I woke up to the sound of Niall bursting into the room


I covered my ears and laughed 

"Thank you Niall I think I am now deaf"

His cheeks turned red in embarrassment

"How are you going to start your birthday?" He asked with a wide smile on his face

"With..." Niall started then walked out of the room to get something "Breakfast? or..." He placed the amazing looking breakfast by the head of my bed then left the room again "PRESENTS!" 

There were at least 7 presents he had got me

"Niall! You didn't need to do all of this" I chuckled

"It's your birthday you deserve to be treated like..." He once again started the sentence before he ripped open a present and pulled out a crown and placed it on my head

"A king" 

I wanted to cry. Nobody had ever treated me this nicely, never in my 21 years of life 

"What one would you like to open first?" He asked still with that huge smile on my face

"Uhh, that one" I pointed at the one that was about to fall out of his hand. He tilted the present forward so I fell onto my bed. I opened it and I was met with this book, I looked through the pages. It was just lines?

"It's something you can write your song lyrics in so you don't have to memorise them all in your head anymore" Niall smiled

"Thank you! Thank you so much" I thanked him

 I had been meaning to buy one for ages but I never thought writing songs would ever be my thing

"I know this one is small but you had been wanting to get some recently," Niall said while handing the small wrapped box to me. I opened it and he was right. I had been wanting to get some rings recently

"Was this why you were so eager to know my finger size? So you could get me rings?" I laughed whilst putting the rings on. He looked down and nodded while laughing with me

Niall then stopped laughing slowly and took a breath

"I'm not too sure if you're going to like this one" He spoke quietly while handing me the present. Niall was still looking down when I took it but I saw his head tilt up a little when I opened it

"It's a little jar full of things I really like about you and some compliments so when you're feeling down you can take one out and hopefully that will make your day better" Niall explained

I took the jar out of the box and I saw loads of pieces of paper that had been folded so I couldn't see what they said inside. I glanced at Niall and he was playing with his fingers probably worried about what I thought of his present. I put the jar to my side, stood up and gave Niall the biggest hug

Niall dropped all the presents onto my bed and hugged me back tighter 

"Thank you so much for these presents Niall," I said to him

"But we're not done yet?" He asked confused

"I know but I just wanted to tell you I already love these presents and the jar is my favourite one," I told him. I felt his face move meaning I had made him smile

Niall pulled away from the hug and smiled widely at me. We both sat crossed-legged on the bed and opened the rest of the presents. He got me a picture of the two of us in a frame, I instantly placed it on the table beside my bed. He also got me a load of chocolate that we'd probably share tonight while watching a film and last he got us matching bracelets, he had an 'L' on his while mine has an 'N'.

And if I wasn't sure then I was definitely sure now. It's not "Do I like Niall?" now it's "I like Niall." 


The knock from the door indicating Louis was here. He has the same little knock ever since we kids. I opened it with the door squeaking a little to meet Louis broad smile

"Happy Birthday mate!" Louis said while hugging me

"I got you this" Louis spoke again while handing me a bag. I looked inside and saw a bottle of red wine

"Oooh thanks, Lou" I hugged him back "This will be great for tonight"

Louis gave me a cheeky smile

"What's happening tonight then?"

I rolled my eyes and answered while laughing

"Ni and I are going to get dinner then we're coming back eating the chocolate he got me while watching a film so adding some wine to that would be great" I explained to him but he still thought other things...anyway other things couldn't happen. Niall didn't know how I felt.

Louis walked off and started talking to Niall about the things he got me for my birthday and after I had just sat down the door was knocked again

"That's Harry!" Niall shouted running towards the door. Louis decided to sit next to me so I threw himself on the sofa like he always did

"Niall seems really ni-" Louis started but never finished. I guess someone caught his eye

Harry walked in and greeted Niall before also looking at Louis. I swear they had a little moment where they were telepathically telling each other they are either really cute or really hot. Harry finally took his eyes off Louis and looked at me, he approached me and his tall figure scared me a little. I stood up to welcome him

"Hi I'm Harry" Harry's voice was deep and he talked quite slow but I couldn't deny the fact he was quite hot

"I'm Liam, nice to meet you" I smiled

"Nice to meet you, Liam, Niall told me to bring you a present but I don't really know you well so I just brought you some red wine" He spoke slowly again before handing me the bag

"Great minds think alike" Louis squeaky voice came from below "I got him red wine too"

"Oh really," Harry said his full attention on Louis now. I just sighed lightly and moved so Harry could sit down. I went over to Niall and let the others talk

"Sorry about that Harry is quite chatty" Niall explained

"Nah it's okay no need to apologise" I smiled

"So what were you thinking of doing for the party?" Niall asked

"Honestly, I'm not too sure" I laughed "I kinda just didn't want to be alone for my birthday"

Niall nodded before glancing behind me and widening his eyes

"We should not have left those two alone..." Niall spoke slightly shocked

I turned to see what he was on about and when I did I just turned back to Niall also wide-eyed. Louis grinding on Harry while the two make out

"Should we leave?" Niall asked

"I think we should" I answered instantly and rushed out of the apartment 

When we got out I realised I still had dinner to go to with Niall. I guess Niall had food on his mind too

"What were you thinking of having for dinner?" He asked eagerly 

"Honestly I was thinking we could order lots of food go back home and watch films with the food, how does that sound?" I asked him

"Perfect!" He smiled

A/N: I want to do that with someone so bad!

𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞 ~ 𝐍𝐢𝐚𝐦जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें