【02 | First Day Back】

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TW: Stalking, sexual topics, stalker pictures.


Wednesday 22nd August 2018

Dear Diary,

Well, today sucked ass. I hated every single class, including everyone in it. Well, besides Mark. I could tell that even he wasn't happy. God, he's just like me!

"Get married already! You two would make the cutest couple!"

Oh please, I'd love to if I could. A young man like me can only dream.

That reminds me, I did have a dream last night. No, it wasn't about Mark railing me so hard that my legs popped off like a barbie doll. Yes, it did wake me up in a cold sweat. My heart was thumping like crazy!

What was my dream about? Oh well, it was about me losing everyone and everything in my life, even if it's not that much. I just sat down under a pile of rubble as the whole world was crashing down around me, quite literally.

I managed to make it to school on time, so it wasn't as bad as it looks on paper. It wasn't traumatizing, but it certainly helped me run to school to see my beloved Mark.

Mark looked SO DREAMY today. God, if it weren't for everyone around us, I would have pounced right onto Mark's face and told him to lick me dry. I even snagged a picture of him today. Here's the proof:

	God, please let Mark Lee fuck me hard

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God, please let Mark Lee fuck me hard. I know he has a big dick. I've seen it myself.

When Mark sleeps at night, he doesn't have any clothes on. Well, it's mainly during the summer. So whenever I go over to watch him resting and see his dick hanging out, I get all hot.

I̷ ̷s̷e̷r̷i̷o̷u̷s̷l̷y̷ ̷n̷e̷e̷d̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷g̷e̷t̷ ̷m̷y̷ ̷i̷s̷s̷u̷e̷s̷ ̷s̷o̷r̷t̷e̷d̷ ̷o̷u̷t̷.̷ ̷F̷u̷c̷k̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷h̷e̷l̷l̷.̷

Well, that's enough of my thirsty rants. I've got to go spy on Mark sleeping. I just want to see his huge cock once more. Bye for now!


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