73. Got slapped

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I smiled seeing her care. She too writes notes but only when I don't or she got more interest.

Today even she is nit willing to do she wrote some notes for me.

Soon time scrolled and it's time for lunch. I don't know what to do as I ignored sid from morning even when he messaged I didn't reply.

When he is coming towards me I excused myself and left leaving anu there.

"Hello doll" sid said while kissing my temple as soon as we ani vyshali aasma and me left to canteen.

I smiled at him as he sat beside me.

I mingled with them and left to have juice as food in the canteen os spicy today.

"Which one" sid asked me

"Supporta" I replied

Soon our drinks came and we had it.

"Ice cream" anu asked

"Not now" vivek bhai said where she pouted

"You are bad" anu complained

"Yeah I know" vivek bhai rolled his eyes.

"Let's have now only bhai" vyshali asked

"No not now..

They argued and finally bhai bought icecream to everyone but I didn't had it saying throat is paining.

I'm not interested to attend classes so sat in empty room and started playing grid hourse game.

"Where are you" vyshali called

"Room no 204" I replied

"Come to hungry jacks. Will go to movie" vyshali asked

"Nah.. not interested you people carry on" I said and cut the call.

As I engrossed in game which helped me to deviate my mind that I didn't notice but sid said the place for the next number.

"When you came..

Why you didn't go to movie" I asked him

"Just like that" he said looking at the paper..

"What happen..

Are you angry on me" I asked as he is not looking at me even in canteen also he didn't talk with me properly.

"Why I will" he asked while filling the blocks with numbers.

I tore the game paper as I got angry but he didn't say anything but again drawing lines of 10×10.

"I'm asking you something" I winced and snatched the pen from his hand

"Did I say you anything.." he asked as I shook my head as no

"Then why you are feeling as if I'm avoiding you.

Are you doing it" he asked calmly

I didn't reply anything but he pulled me in to his arms

"I don't like when you don't reply me" he said as he hold me tight

"No" I shutter and tried to come out of his hold that only got even more tight.

"Don't lie it's won"t fit to you" he said and hugged me

I hugged him back without saying anything.

"What happen doll. Why you are so dull" he asked

"No I'm not. I'm even smiling. You only thinking like that" I replied

"Even though you won't say your eyes speaks with me.

Don't lie.. if you don't want to share it's okay I will wait till you say.

PRINCESS - in search of lovable life ✔︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz