twenty two

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Carter Furore

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Carter Furore

Phoenix helped Liya up while I read over the words on the letter once again. I knew Liya had betrayed my mom for money, but what for? What did she lie about? No one had told me that part, and at the time, I didn't care.


Phoenix cut me off instantly, already knowing what I was going to say, "Can we at least get out of here first? We look like we just got dragged into hell and she obviously needs food."

I couldn't disagree.

Wait, how do we get out? It must be around 4am now, we might have some time.

Liya's arm hung around my shoulder while the other rested on Phoenix's. She hadn't spoken since she had told us her name and I couldn't blame her. I didn't know how long she'd been down in the basement but she'd obviously not moved for a long time.

"Is there anyone you can call to pick us up?" Phoe questioned, opening the front door slightly only for the sunlight to come through.


I could call a lot of people, but that would be dragging them into my mess as well. I didn't trust any of my uncles, other than Wyatt. I couldn't trust my parents and I didn't know my cousins well enough.

"I'm going to regret this." I mumbled, scrolling through my contacts and smearing blood on the screen before pressing on Onyx.

Please don't overreact.


"Oh hell, what happened to you guys? Are you dying? Why did you call me I was dealing with the twins throwing shoes at each other. Oh wait yeah, you look like shit. Wait is that your blood or someone else's? Should I call Vic and Rael? Oh my lord who is that? Wait- that's the pink haired betrayer-"

Phoenix gave me a blank look and I just shrugged, gesturing for him to help me get Liya into the car while Onyx continued rambling.

He told Onyx where to go and I wondered why he was telling him to drive us to his house. Won't his mom or siblings be confused as to why we are covered in blood?

"Is there a reason I'm having to pick you up at 6am while you are covered in blood and carrying your moms ex best friend?" Onyx asked me and Liya's head whipped in my direction.

"You're Vic's daughter?" I nodded in response and she sucked in a breath as Onyx pulled up in front of Phoenix's house.

"Don't tell anyone about this, please." I pleaded with him. His eyes narrowed and he held his hand out, as if waiting for money.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing a pack of gummies from my back pocket and handing them to Onyx. He seemed pleased with that and told me he wouldn't say anything before driving off blasting Taylor Swift.

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