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I picked the food tray up, whacking the guy around the head with it and then throwing it at the guard who opened the cafeteria door with his scanner.

"What the hell are you doing, stop." I rolled my eyes at the only friend I had in here, who unfortunately had common sense, and threw an apple at him to shut him up.

He slid back into his seat, nursing his cheek while I pummeled the guy below me. More guards filed in and I elbowed one in the throat before returning to the daily occurrence.

The rest of the guards stood back uncomfortably, not moving to get me off and henceforth being bad at their job. A sinister smirk pulled at my lips as I found found content in beating the guy unconscious.

"You have a call." I stood up, landing a harsh kick to the guys ribs and then looked at the guard who had spoke just as he took a step back.

I rolled my eyes, "Are you going to elaborate or can I continue with what I'm doing. You already know the drill, I kill him because he's annoying and you get fired for being a pussy."

The guard gulped but continued anyway, "You have a call from someone called C-" A less evil smile appeared on my face and I pushed past him, heading to the phone in the hallway.

I picked the phone up, holding it to my ear as I watched the half dead guy get dragged to the infirmary.

"What's up Gollum?" I asked.

"Will you ever stop with that nickname? I was five." I just chuckled at the obvious annoyance in her voice.

"Yeah well not all five year olds say they wouldn't mind kissing Gollum because they feel bad that he doesn't have anyone that loves him. Then you went on to ask for a Gollum themed room." I recalled the event.

"Whatever. How are things in there?" She asked, worry piercing her tone.

I thought about the date with solitary confinement I had almost every day and smiled, "Everything's fine. The food tastes like shit and I haven't had one of Nixon's 'original dishes' in two years but it's also fine."

Carter laughed, "You always tried to find his recipe for that dish every day but he hid it inside his pillow."

"You found it?" I questioned. I searched for that thing for five years straight.

"Yeah, well, that's kinda what I wanted to talk about. Xander killed Jonathan and we're staying with our real parents now. They're great people C, really." My brows drew together and I frowned before taking into account the genuine honesty in her voice.

"We're in New York now, when are you getting out?" Cart asked after my silence and I remembered that if I didn't stop killing everyone, I wouldn't be getting out anytime soon. I had to stop it.

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