Yes, wise master - I tease, laughing when my neck grows heated with Theo's embarrassment.

I'm just trying to help - he mumbles to himself, rolling over in silent anger.

Reaching out for him through our bond, I hold on tight and let him feel my gratitude - I know Theo, and I appreciate it, always.

Even as Theo tried to hold out, I could practically feel his tail swishing with contentment so I don't bother biting back my smile as I relax in my place.

"It'll be fine," I tell him and Mekhi, trusting my words for once.

It would be fine.


Wrote this to Home from Rehab by Labrinth, don't have to listen if you don't want to.

I intertwine my fingers only to separate them a second later.

I cross one leg over the other before I realise that that was way too formal. Quickly uncrossing them, I spread my legs and settle.

Were they too far apart?

How wide was too wide? Dad always said to pretend I was on a bus and someone was next to me, so I do that. Bringing my legs a little closer together, I rest my hands on each of my knees.

This was better, right?

My struggle to figure out what was the best way to sit and wait was as useless as it was frustrating. Even knowing that, I don't stop my shifting since it was a pretty good distraction.

If I worried about how I sat, I didn't have to worry about what I'd say.

I look around at the familiar expanse of perfectly arranged flowers that swayed here and there from the midday breeze. 

This wasn't a popular spot amongst the pack, but it was for Amelia and me. 

The land belonged to an elder who wasn't that much of a bitch when compared to the rest. Emris had been the only one I could tolerate when we started with my whole revamp project. 

Emris was one of the newer elders and maybe that was why she wasn't such a hardass like the others. And while she didn't particularly like me, she was always honest with me as to why. Plus, she'd always listen when I argued with her and the others instead of just writing me off straight away.

As an elder, Emris had her own large plot of land, but unlike the others, Emris made hers into a safe space. She used all her free time to maintain this rich flower garden for people who either wanted to go somewhere quiet to think, or who wanted to talk to her without prying eyes.

For Amelia and me, it was a place we could come to always and not have to bother playing nice.

It'd become our spot and when I'd called her yesterday and asked if she wanted to talk, we both knew where we'd meet.

Now here I was, trying to figure out the best way to sit like a fucking idiot.


I stiffen before I turn quickly to face Amelia. 

Walking towards me with two drinks in hand, she offers me a small smile that I find myself returning without having to think about it.

"Hey," I reply as she slips into her side of what we'd claimed as our bench. 

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