The Goddess of Misery

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Percy's Pov:

"The death mist, you would take him to Akhlys."

"Yes the death mist could hide him, it might be the only way to get him through the doors of death."

"Unfortunately, that is a terrible plan, even more unfortunate is that might be the only plan, you will have to tell him to be careful of Night."

I could hear the voices before my body began to wake, I was so sure that I would die, that when everything went black, I believed it would be the final release. But here I was surrounded by massive sheep skin blankets, as I began to look around I saw bob sitting by the fire with massive red giant. My first instinct

"You haven't told Him," Damasen said.

"No," Bob admitted.

"he is already scared." The giant grumbled.

"She should be. And if you cannot guide him past Night?" Damasen said Night like it was a proper name – an evil name.

"I have to," Bob said.

"Why?" Damasen wondered. "What have the demigods given you? They have erased your old self, everything you were. Titans and giants ... we are meant to be the foes of the gods and their children."

"Are we not?"

"Then why did you heal the boy?"

Damasen exhaled. "I have been wondering that myself. Perhaps... I find these two demigods intriguing. They are resilient to have made it so far. That is admirable. Still, how can we help them any further? It is not our fate."

"Perhaps," Bob said uncomfortably.

"But ... do you like our fate?"

"What a question. Does anyone like his fate?"

"I liked being Bob," Bob murmured.

"Before I started to remember ..."

"Huh." There was a shuffling sound, as if Damasen was stuffing a leather bag.

"Damasen," the Titan asked, "do you remember the sun?" The shuffling stopped. The giant exhaled through his nostrils.

"Yes. It was yellow. When it touched the horizon, it turned the sky beautiful colors."

"I miss the sun," Bob said.

"The stars, too. I would like to say hello to the stars again."

"Stars ..." Damasen said the word as if he'd forgotten its meaning

"Yes. They made silver patterns in the night sky." He threw something to the floor with a thump.

"Bah. This is useless talk. We cannot"

"Then come with us, you can see the sunset and the stars again," I interrupted, they turned to look at me,

"Ohh demigod, I cannot, it is my fate to remain here killing the Maeonian Drakon again and again. I can not picture anywhere else but here."

"Do not accept your fate, fight back, don't kill the Drakon find a way to break the cycle and defy your fate." I got out of bed and walked towards him, I was surprised that I felt better, maybe even as strong as I felt when I initially fell. He offered me a small bowl of stew and I practically inhailed it, I was sure that the next time I had ambrosia it would take exactly like this, needless to say it tasted like heaven. Damasen waited until I finished eating before her spoke again

"You should leave now, demigod," he said "I fear the Drakons roar will draw the defeated ones here you must hurry, but first I have several things to assist you in your journey. I do not have much to craft from but what I do is strong, I can only hope that they serve you well" He held out his hand and in his was a set of swords they were sheathed in yellowy Drakon leather, I also realized that they were probably made of Drakons bone. I strapped them on my back, they formed and X and as Damasen turned around to reach something on the table I dew the blade to look at it, a blade of dragon bone, honed to a deadly edge, with a simple grip of leather. When I sheathed the blade I realized the giant was holding out his hand again, this time in his hand was a set of armor, the under layers were made of Drakon leather and the actual chest plate, and grieves were made from the same bone as the sword.

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