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ONE WEEK passed by quickly and the next thing Tori knew, she was now sitting faced to face with Lady M again. Rowan and Lily were outside the door like before. But what was new this time was the fact that the vice leader of the Information Guild was present. The vice leader was like in the Netflix Series, an identity that was covered by mysteries. This person was sitting silently next to Lady M who was covered by a big and baggy coat. The only prominent giveaway was this person's height and slim stature.

Oh, how I want to grab this hooligan's hood and expose the actual character behind it. Is it someone from the aristocratic faction? Or someone from the Assassination Guild? This person couldn't be a magician, right?

Magicians were the term used for 'inventors'. They invented things and founded theories. The sudden sprout of magicians in the Empire was bad news for the church, which has neutral power over the sovereign.

"You found it, did you not?" Tori was drinking the Oolong tea calmly. Tori did not cast her hood down since she disliked the appearance of someone she didn't ask to come.

"We confirmed it was there, but we're an Information Guild, my lady. We don't do 'fetch and get' for customers."

You're a stubborn one, huh? Good. You're proving your worth to me.

Tori put the teacup down, "So what do you wish for me to say? Or rather, what information do you intend to get from me?"

Lady M amusingly grinned at her, "I particularly like your wits, my lady. So tell me, why do you want to help the aristocratic faction when your family is a loyalist of the noble faction?"

I knew you'd ask that. Well, there's no point in hiding.

"I wish to decide who gets to become king. This time, I want the second prince to sit on the throne."

Becoming the puppet master will be good, especially when that time comes for me. I won't die again.

"Hearing that from you is strange, but would you risk everything that your family has just for that wish?"

Tori couldn't help but laughed a little, which startled the two in front of her, "You can be quite funny, Lady M. And who says I'm going down with the Rozenreff Duchy? Knowing the Elysian Crown's location is not the only trump card I have. Even if you turned me down, I have a lot of ways to ensure my goal, but you are my best route. Won't you agree to benefit each other? After all, we are pointing our spears to a common enemy."

Deep down, Lady M knew that accepting the hand of this young lady with serpents' eyes would be like accepting a deal from the devil. But she couldn't resist a very tempting offer.

"Should I accept your offer there would still be a problem?"

Oh right, the major reason why aristocratic faction loyalists can't move freely.

"Do you mean about the second prince's cowardice to fight for the throne?" Tori frankly answered Lady M, which caused the latter one to gape openly at her.

Lady M's stance became awkward all of a sudden. Tori wondered for a while before she realized something.

Ooh, so that's how it is. Then let me try something.

"To speak like that about the second prince could be considered treason!"

Tori openly smirked at Lady M and the vice leader, "You're losing your cool, Lady M. regarding your concern, as a loyalist to the aristocratic faction, you can tell his highness this."

"If he wished to protect those around him, he should consider his course of action, especially if it involves the Empress Aurina, the current queen, and the second prince's mother."

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