Episode 13

915 35 1

Successfully finishing our project Yoongi suggested for us to have a celebration party
Yoongi: cheers! To our wonderful project
- we all laughed at this and drank
Jungkook: Yoongi isn't it a bit too much coming to a club for a project celebration?
Yoongi: nope
Y/n: well it is Friday, why not just enjoy?
- the three of us laughed and enjoyed the night
* Yoongi's POV*
...The perfect place... perfect time...

- Just then a girl came up to Jungkook
???: You're really cute! Can I have your number?

Perfect timing....

Yoongi: go on have some fun Jungkook!
- I pushed him towards her
Jungkook: uhhh alright?
???: How about we go dance?
Jungkook: huh?
- Jungkook was dragged to the dance floor not being able to do or say anything
Y/n: hahaha I've never seen him like that
- y/n laughed at Jungkook's ' save me' expression
- a few hours had passed, and Jungkook was nowhere to be seen
Y/n was drunk not able to walk
Y/n: y-YOongI!
Yoongi: that's me!
Y/n: YoOngI!
Yoongi: y/n, I'm right here
Y/n: * gasp* I missed you
Yoongi: I've been with you the whole day y/n
Y/n: I thought that I would never see yoU agaIn
Yoongi: awww... I'll never leave you
Y/n: I knoW bUt I leFt yOu
- I froze
Yoongi: babe you remember ...?
Y/n: whAt?! I dO?
Yoongi: y/n your drunk
Y/n: nO I'm nOt hmpH
- I helped her up
Yoongi: lets go home babe
Y/n: lEz goO
*Jin's POV*
- midnight
Jin: where is this girl
- called y/n-
- It ringed for a few seconds then- 
** : The subscriber's phone is turned off please dial again later—
- desperate I decided to call Jungkook

* on the phone *
Jin: where are you
???: hello? Who is this
- I heard a female voice
Jin: I'm his brother, now hand him the phone
???: ohhhh alright, but there's a problem
Jin: what is it
???: he's asleep
Jin: Is he alone?
???: No, he's with me obviously
* call ended*

Jin: there's no use in this conversation
- I looked at the time again
Jin: Pick up y/n... Pick up..
- With my last bits of hope I called y/n

* y/n's POV*
- I fell asleep and I don't know for how long I've been out
Yoongi : You awake?
Y/n: hmmmm... where am I...
Yoongi: Do you remember this place?
- I looked around -
Y/n: ahhH
- I fell onto the floor holding my head-
Yoongi: Are you alright y/n?
Y/n: My head hurts....
- then I remembered-
Y/n: y- yoongi...?
Yoongi: yes babe that's me
Y/n: h-how..
- I saw his face turn dark-
Yoongi: y/n....
- I looked around again, much more certain this time-
Y/n: This... this can't be...
Yoongi: memories eh?
Y/n: This isn't America.. is it?
Yoongi: my babe is so smart!
Y/n: Our... our...
Yoongi: Our house! We used to be so lovely together here
- Being here made my stomach turn
It reminded me all I've forgotten in an instant-
Yoongi: I forgive you y/n, for running away from me

{YoonGi FF} He's MAD Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt