Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"What," the words come out barley a whisper. I have to leave? Again?! This can't be happening. I won't allow it. How could this possibly happen again? What will happen to Carson and I? I can't leave him behind, I refuse to.

"I haven't even began to talk yet," Marc says giving us a disapproving look. "I need you two to stay quiet as I explain the whole situation. Understand?" I stay motionless for a few seconds as I try to take all of this in. Another life. Depending on how this goes, and depending on what the truth really is, this could be my second chance. But a second chance without the boy who means so much to me. But I have to remind myself of all the nights I would lay in my bed dreaming about a good life with my father involved. It comes back to me, that i've always been so eager for the truth, it's all i've ever wanted; here it is, weather it crushes me or builds me up, I'm ready. I reach for Carson's hand under the table and squeeze to try and ease the excitement and nervousness being the reason I can't sit still.

"Okay," my father takes a deep breathe, and stares blankly at the table to gather his thoughts is my guess. "I suppose I should start from the very beginning." He pauses folding his hands and then folding them again. The silence grows and is killing me, it feels like ages and ages until he actually begins to speak.

"Annalise, you were about, four maybe five, when your mother ran off with you. It was out of the blue; she told me she was going to the store with you a down the street, little did I know that was code for she was going to fly to America, changing your name and physical appearance, claiming she had to keep you both safe, and away from me." He shakes his head again, it must be a habit. "After that, I moved into central London thinking that was where she would be because she had always talked about it, not in ways that you would think though; strange ways. I really should've known better."

I can't help myself but interupt, there are so many things eating me alive. I have to ask a question, just this one. "What do you mean she would talk about it in strange ways?"

"Thats for another day, I need to get through story time before time is up." He says confusing- and frustrating- me further than I already am. He takes a deep breathe and begins again. "I spent seven years in London looking for you-" However, it seems that I just can't keep my mouth shut because it opens once again.

"Well it took you long enough to come to your senses and realize I clearly wasn't in London now was I!" I say harshly feeling a scowl work most of the muscles on my face. Marc stops and looks me right in the eyes his own eyes explaining it all. Shut up or die, is what my mind concludes. I sit back in my chair, still clutching Carson's hand not even realizing that his grip is tighter then moments before. He probably squeezed it trying to tell me to shut up before my father's eyes did it for him. I guess I didn't notice.

"I couldn't even begin to tell you how difficult this was. I was crushed and alone to raise Leo while you were missing out somewhere in the world. Soon after I moved into central London, I became apart of the Britain FBI, informing them that my main mission was to find my missing daughter. After searching almost the entire country of England itself, we knew she must have taken you somewhere else. My partner came to the conclusion that you were most likely hidden somewhere amongst the United States." I can't decide weather I should believe him or not, my grip on Carson's hand doesn't get any weaker as more words form sentences adding on to the wild story. For a moment I'm worried I might be cutting the circulation off of Carson's hand, but he gives my hand yet another squeeze without taking his eyes away from the man who claims he's my father.

"We then decided it was best to team up with the United States to try and find you, however not all 50 states agreed to this case. Many of them tried to help, but as time went on, many states began to give up and dropped the case. I was absolutely furious," he chuckles remembering the memory. I, on the other hand was not laughing. It makes little to no sense as to why the states randomly began to drop the case. There's got to be a bigger reason behind it and I bet my mother has a lot to do with it.

"Anyway, after that I knew something fishy was up, little time was passing and many more states were dropping the case. There was a period of time where it stayed calm, no states had dropped out in a while, so I moved to West Coast and up to Northern America to work with some of the American FBI agents and suddenly, right when I arrive, Oregon drops the case, out of the blue! Strange isn't it?" It takes me a moment to figure out what the sarcasm means in that. But it becomes clear, they dropped the case because not too long ago, I moved to Oregon. I knew it, my mother was behind this. How? I don't know that but it only makes sense that she somehow was apart of this.

"Wait, how many other states are still along with the case?" I ask fighting the urge to fall from my chair, to my knees, and cry. The truth hurts so much more then I hoped it would, but I don't regret being told. There used to be moments of my life where my mother was my best friend, lifesaver. Those were only tiny moments though because lots of the time me and my mother were completely different people. We didn't look much alike, our taste in clothes was as different as water and oil trying to be mixed together. But we did have our golden moments too. Small ones. And now as they replay in my head, they seem to be the only thing flashing before me which is the only reason my heart seems to be breaking when I don't want it to.

Marc shrugs, keeping the silence dragging on as he stares at the table, thinking. I hope. Thinking is the last thing I want to be doing but not one of us seems to know what to say next. Carson hasn't said anything in so long, plus the situation isn't on him so he has no reason to speak anyway. I feel myself becoming antsy. I need to do something to get these thoughts out of my head before I go crazy. Marc finally looks back up at my face just before I begin to hum a song to make myself less insane. "I'd say about twenty, the numbers are dropping more and more everyday. Not that we have to worry anymore."

It takes me a moment to remember what he was talking about. But I recall asking a question so I answer as though I had been paying attention and knew exactly what he was talking about. "So what happened after Oregon dropped from the case?" I ask desperately wanting him to keep talking to keep my mind from telling me to start worrying.

"Ah, after Oregon dropped, I decided to go there myself. I had a team of American and British agents with me scanning the entire state, until one of the lads spotted you -well your mother first- then you. We watched you for a few months before finally making our move, it all had to come to place and we had to get you at the right time." He finishes his story and I am left speechless. No words can be put into good enough sentences to even being to explain how I feel.

"Tomorrow we leave for London. We need to finalize the case and finally bring you home." He says with a small smile on his face as if that is a good thing. My breathe hitches in my now dry throat. We leave? This is the last glimpse I will have of my home for a record of almost a month. "I'm moving there? With you?" The shakiness in my voice is clear. My father nods his head and my heart stops, my blood turns cold.

Once my eyes meet Carson's tears fill the edges of my eyes. I can't leave him. "He can come right?" I ask gripping Carson's arm. My father nods and stands, "that is not up to me darling. I will be right back." My father exits the room leaving me on the verge of tears and a motionless Carson. He stares ahead as if my father were still there. This is when I begin to panic. I look up at him as the tears fall freely from my eyes leaving stains on my cheeks. "You'll come, won't you?" My voice is so high pitched and softened from the crying that him hearing me is unlikely.

He looks at me and I see the most sadness in his eyes that I've ever seen. His shoulders slump and his mouth turns into a frown. I know where this is going. I know exactly what he wants to say. My stomach drops and my heart shatters. "Sara, my father. I can't leave him." That's when the whole world comes crashing down on me.

HIIII GUYS! So i got this keyboard case thingy for my ipad so that I can use my ipad sort of like a computer and whatever because I find it easier to let my ideas flow and whatnot when I'm using a physical keyboard... I'm weird. Anyway I hope you liked the chapter, don't forget to comment and vote and ily all! BYE

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