Sneaking Aboard

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I slowly wake up from a knock on my door.
It was time to leave for the boat.

The walk there was quiet. Clem went over the plan, then no one said anything for the rest of the journey. I dont know if it was because some of us had just woke up, or if we were all nervous of what was to come.
The boat was easier to find this time, since we knew which route to take. Plus, they had searchlights, looking out for walkers, and maybe for us. The lights couldn't reach us however. The trees we were gathered around were hiding us from them.

A walker is spotted by the searchlight, and a bullet flies into its head. It drops to the the floor, and Clem drags it to us.
Ruby looks at the corpse, disgusted.

"Ugh. I guess we really are doing this."

"Only the team blending in with the walkers need to cover themsleves." Clem tells her.

I was apart of that team. The whole "blend in with the walkers that are getting shot at" plan sounded crazy and suicidal, but there was no chance in hell I wasn't getting on that boat.

"Now all we need is for your walker friend to--"

"He's here!" AJ interrupts Ruby.

Ruby turns around and jumps at the sight of him. I cant blame her. His disguise is really convincing. He looked like an actual walker from the sentry station. Getting a closer look at him, its quite impressive how well made his mask is.

"Good lord!" She shouts.

"Uh... hello." He says.

He stood there awkwardly.

"Guys, this is James." Clem introduces him.

"He's my friend." AJ smiles.

"He's... uh..." Tenn stumbled.

"So. Cool!" Willy approaches him. "How do you get the skin like that?"

"Oh, I, uhm..." He turns to Clem. "Clementine?"

"Willy, come one, give him some space." She tells him.

"But I just want to--"

"Not right now." AJ says.

He backs off.

"Yeah. Sorry. I didn't mean to be weird or anything."

"Its okay." James nods.

"Sorry for trying to shoot you. That outfits really convincing." I tell him.

"Functionable, and fashionable. I'll take two." Louis says.

James chuckles.


"(Y/n) has a mask too." AJ tells him. "But his isnt made out of monsters."

You could tell from the movement of the mask his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"You do?"

I hold up my mask, and his eyes widen.

"You. You're one of them."

Just my luck. The stranger in the woods knows about me and my mask.

"Look, I know that--"

"You've killed so many."

"I didnt have a choice."

He shakes his head.

"We always have a choice." He turns to Clem. "Why do you have someone like that in your school? I thought you said--" 

"He helped fight the raiders." She tells him. "He saved me and AJ. We can trust him. He's a friend."

TWDG Season 4 -- Male Reader x VioletWhere stories live. Discover now