The Residents of Ericson's Pt. II

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Now for the girls at the steps.

"Hey there, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you."

They look up at me with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Brody and this here is Ruby." Brody says gesturing to the girl beside her.

"How ya doing."

"So what brings you here?" Brody asks.

Probably shouldn't tell them I was caught trying to take their stuff.

"I was a bit lost, so Marlon said I could stay here for the night, and then he'll direct me out of the forest." I explain.

Brody looked a bit surprised.

"He did?"

"Is that a problem?" I ask.

"N-no, its just, Marlon tries his best keep this place hidden from strangers. Its just odd he's invited one to stay the night."

"It's nice to have you here." Ruby says. "We could all do with a fresh face around."

"So, you're a wanderer then?" Brody asks.

"Yup. Moving place to place, seeing what I can find."

"Meet a lot of folk?" Ruby asks.

"I try my best to avoid people. A lot of them aren't very friendly."

"We dont get anyone around here apart from walkers. I suppose its a good thing, but it can get boring quite often. At least Louis keeps us entertained." She says.


"Him over there." Brody nods towards the cooking station.

Two guys were standing there, one yapping away, and the other cooking. I'm guessing the one talking is Louis.

"That other guy doesn't look very entertained."

"He can talk a bit too much." Ruby laughs.

"Yeah, talks too much, does too little." Brody says. "Marlon lets him off easy too just because they're best friends or whatever."

"So how many of you guys were in the school before the walkers? I ask.

"All of us." Brody answers.

"That long? Ever thought about leaving?"

"All the time, but there's no good reason too. We got food, defenses and beds."

"I suppose you're right."

"Still, it'd be nice to see other places, even if they arent what they used to be." Ruby says.

"Its not that great out there. You'd rarely find a place that isnt full of either walkers or raiders."

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine." She teases.

"Just telling it how it is." I smile. "I'll see you both later."

"Don't cause any trouble now." Brody says, waving.

Three down, six to go.
The next guy is sitting in a wooden chair, writing in a book. Like Tenn, he doesnt notice me standing infront of him. I was tempted to take a peek at what he was jotting down, but I'd rather not start with a poor impression.

"Whatcha writing?"

He puts his pen down and closes the book.

"Oh, I, uhh, like to chronicle everything that happens each day."

'Like a diary?" I ask, trying not to smirk.

He gives me an unimpressed look.

"It's more of a journal."

"I'm only messing with you. My names (Y/n)."


"Pleasure to meet you Aasim."

"Likewise. So what are you doing here?" He asks.

"Just staying the night, then I'll be out of your hair."

"I hope you're not a loud snorer." He glances towards Louis. "So, you travel?"

"I do."

"You must have some good stories then." He says.

"A couple, yeah."

"Well, go on. You've got my attention." He crosses his arms, relaxing in his chair.

"Alright. I've got one that happened not long ago."

I tell him all about the old mans house, about how a town full of zombies flooded into the house, and how I barely escaped. I also mentioned that I was robbed.

"Damn. You've really been through it, huh?" He says.

It wasnt my best story, but its the only one that doesnt involve my unsavoury past.

"I've been through worse."

"Well, maybe when you tell others that story, you'll tell them about the generous group that helped you get back on your feet." He says with a smug look.

"I thought you guys were trying to stay hidden?"

"Oh, right. Shame. Guess you'll have to make something up."

"I'll just say I took on a town full of walkers single handedly." I suggest.

"No one would believe you." He smirks.

"Har har. I'm sure you shriek like a girl everytime you see one. Then write in your little book how you're the camp hero." I joke. "Maybe I'll make up a story called 'Aasim the Wimp'."

"Wimp, huh? Pretty rich coming from the guy who sounds like he runs more than he fights." Aasim strikes back.

"Theres a differene between bravery and stupidity. I just know how to stay alive."

He shrugs.

"I guess someone like you knows what he's doing. You ever fight something other than a walker?"

More times than I'd have liked.

"No, I avoid people if I can." I lie.

"If thats the case, why are you staying here?" He asks.

"Marlon caught me by surprise in the woods. I was a little wary at first but he seemed friendly enough. He would've shot me right then and there if he really was a bad person, so I trust him." I explain.

"Marlons a good guy. He can be a bit hot headed at times, but he's a good leader." Aasim says.

"Must be a lot of weight on your shoulders though."

Looking down at the dirt, he makes a sound of agreement.

"Nice meeting you Aasim, I'll see you around."

He nods and opens his book up again. Hopefully to write something nice about me.

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