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"Hide, quick." She whispers.

We dash to a tree, taking cover.

Clementine peeks behind it, watching the raider. They didnt notice.

"A raider?" AJ asks.

"Has to be." Clementine answers. "You all stay here. I'll see if they know anything that could help us."

She takes out her knife and quietly makes her way towards the raider, slowly. Then, once she was close enough, she holds it to the raiders throat.

"Drop it." She demands.

The raider complies, letting go of the axe.

"Where do you keep the people you steal?"

"I dont know what you're--"

Clementine moves the knife closer.

"I'm not fucking around, answer the question!"

"The boiler deck. Second deck. They're all there." She answers.

Louis runs out. I reached out my left hand to stop him, but get a sharp pain in my shoulder.

"Clem, stop!" He tells her.

The raider elbows Clementine away.

She turns around, and I immediatley recognise her from the picture.

"Hey, Minnie." Louis says, surprised.

Tenn's sister. Violet's ex. Lilly wasnt lying. She really is alive.

Louis moves towards her and she pulls him into a hug.

"After the attack, I wasnt sure... I mean, I heard they burned half your school down." She says. "Who survived? Ruby? Mitch? Brody? Tenn?"

Her voice sounded more concerned for Tenn's name.

"Ruby and Tenn made it." Willy answers, lowering his head. "Mitch didnt. And Brody, um, she died."

Minnie puts her hand to her head, taking it in.

"Tenn's boots holding up okay?"

"His boots?" AJ asks.

"They're so old, they're more holes than rubber. I duct-taped them up last I saw him. But that was a while ago..."

Clementine puts her hands on her hips, and had that "taking no crap" tone.

"His boots are fine."

Minnie gave her a dirty look.

"You're Clementine. The girl who took over after Marlon died. Its weird. I thought everyone would want to lean on their own. Not the new kid."

"I didnt ask to be in charge." Clementine tells her. "It just sort of happened."

"Is that the sort of wishy-washy bullshit you say to everyone back home? Or just me?"

"Excuse me?" Clementine crosses her arms.

"Abel figured he could talk Marlon into handing over everyone like he and Lilly did... like they did before. You ruined the whole plan."

"What are you talking about?" Louis asks. "Marlon traded you and Sophie like it was nothing."

"Yeah, and we all survived it. Marlon never would've made us fight the way you did." She points at Clementine. "He wouldnt have gotten people killed."

"That is some grade-A horseshit!" Louis defends her. "Clem saved us."

"Yeah? Then how come so many people are dead?"

TWDG Season 4 -- Male Reader x VioletOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz