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Amber brushed a strand of her blonde hair out of her face, putting it behind her ear, before quickly pushing it back into her face. She wasn't focusing on what she was doing. She was focusing on him. 

Spencer Reid stood across the coffee shop, ordering the same drink he got almost everyday. He was going to be early to work, but he was still rushing. He hadn't noticed the woman watching him. He turned, accidentally made eye contact with her, smiled awkwardly, and headed out the  door, the bell tinkling cheerily. He was gone.

She first saw him three days ago. The fact that she came here every morning was only helpful, because now she knew he did, too. 

She had been planning this for two weeks. 

Her two friends were one call away. She would tell them she saw him again. She would tell them her plan. It would work. They would agree. They wanted this, too. 

She dialed Margo and Sarah's numbers, starting a group call.

"... He looks like such a softie, just like Mark did. Brown eyes, fluffy brown hair. And they wondered why we liked him."

"Not like psychopaths walk around with signs on them. How could we have known?"

"I think we should start tonight. We already have the adrenaline rush. We're ready, let's just start the buildup."

"I just can't believe the doctor couldn't tell what I was thinking. He just looked at me... and smiled. Gosh, they really never do expect it."

"Well let's be glad he didn't think you look like a murderer. We could have gone to jail before even seeing Mark again." 

"I'm kind of worried about this... do all these people really deserve to die? The only person who deserves all this is Mark--"

"Mark Adams is a sadist that never should have been left out of prison, we all have scars to prove that. He deserves what's coming for him. He deserves to see all these people die because of him. Like he said in court, he has a conscience."

They all agreed. 

He deserved to die, and they deserved to kill him.

Even though it meant killing look alikes, for the dramatic affect they were going for.

The show had begun.

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