author's note :)

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written: april 2021 - may 2021; posted: may 2021 - november 2021; edited: ---


my name is vi and if you're reading this, then welcome to this book, i guess! i've only ever written fanfiction for the dolan twins (which are still up if you wanna go see) and so this was very spontaneous but here we are. i seriously never thought id be writing bts fanfiction but i guess it's happened hehe.

basically, this is a royal!au fic that just sort of came up in conversation with one of my friends. and my brain just sorta spun from there. to preface it, i guess yoongi is a coldish prince and you're a maiden from the village and blah blah [insert cliche stuff here]

but yeah, that's pretty much it. this isn't reeaallly set in like the medieval time period, it's a more modernized version of it i guess. i also do not know too too much about that time period or how kings and queens and all of that work so it's a very vi-efied version of a royal au :)

i allllso wanted to mention that this isn't a reference to yoongi being a decent of the royal clan he is of or anything like that. it has nothing to with real life, this is a complete work of fiction and any references to things that might exist are entirely coincidental.

i also wanted to talk about plagiarism really quickly like i always do because it's really important. i first want to mention that the events that occur in this book are all of my creation. i'm sure prince!yoongi has been written about before, especially after daechwita, but this book was my idea. i've never really read bts fanfiction before so i'm not sure if there's anything like this out there, but if there is, this book has nothing to do with it. these are my own ideas that i've put the time and effort to bring to life in the form of writing and i am not, nor would i ever, take credit for another person's hard work.

that being said, i also want to ask that no one else takes ideas from this book. i've put a lot of work into creating this book and have spent hours and days writing and editing and i ask that people respect that. i've been copied off of before and it really fricking sucks man. so just respect that these are my ideas and im sure you can come up with your own so don't copy, okay? and if you see something really similar to this, let me know. it's not fair for people to copy someone else's hard work and it definitely should be brought to attention if it's happening.

and there's also a difference between plagiarizing and getting inspiration. if you're inspired by the events of this book then just let me know. one, id love to see what you create, and two, it's just nice to know that someone respects my work, you know? just ask, i swear i'm nice. just don't plagiarize. not just off of me but in general. it won't feel good and at the end of the day you'll just feel guilty.

so yeah.

okay back to the book. ill do an aesthetics page thing next so that characters and stuff are cleared up but i quickly wanted to mention that all of the bts members will be in this book. sure, i tried to incorporate aspects of their personality into this story but it's really hard to do that when they express themselves in korean. i dont speak korean so i can't really portray them accurately when speaking english, if that makes sense.

also! their relationships here are not the same as in real life. for example, you'll see that in here jimin and kook don't get along and i know that they do in reality. i just wanted to mention that so people aren't confused. they also aren't idols or anything like that. i've literally just taken them and put them in a story instead of creating my own characters.

so you'll be y/n of course but all of the people that happen to be in a relationship with the rest of the members will be known as n/gf, j/gf, etc. i don't like giving them names and ill go more into detail in the next part but yes. (you're also taehyung's sister in this fic so if that makes you feel weird you might wanna dip now too sorry about that)

so yeah, that's about it. there aren't many warnings except cursing and maybe a little violence but nothing major. i'll probably mention anything worse than cursing before each chapter, just to be fair.

i really hope you like this book because it was super fun to write and i put a lot of effort into it. I've also written all of it so that means it won't ever be discontinued or anything like that. it will be completed. uploads will be every tuesday and saturday! comment and vote and follow me if you'd like and yeah! hope you like <3

thank you,

vi xox


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