I Hate Him

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"How long have you two been together?"

"Oh, no, no, you got it wrong"

"Oh, you don't have to hide it. Did you see Sasuke blush when you two spoke together? I never see him blush in front of any girl before. And I have seen him with hundreds of girls before, mind you"

Blush? I was certain that it was out of spite that Sasuke's face colored a little.

"So what is it that you liked most about my Sasuke?"

Sasuke's mother looked so excited. She reminded me of that time when I told my mom how I like Sai. My mother looked so excited just like Sasuke's mom. I mentally struggled with telling her the truth. If I was here to confess to Sasuke, I might as well tell Sasuke's mom the truth.

"The truth is I don't like Sasuke"

It pained me to see the smile fade from her face. It broke my heart but I had already started. I cannot back out.

"To be exact, I hate Him"

I remembered the first time I noticed Uchiha Sasuke. Back then, Sasuke was flirting with Kin under the shade of the tree.

"He breaks everybody's heart. He doesn't care if he hurts them. He'll flirt with one girl then to another one then to another one."

I remembered how scared I was when Sasuke declared war over the anonymous letter sender. I remembered how he beat Akado Yoroi into a bloody pulp.

"And if you resent him, he'll make sure that you'll regret resenting him. It's like you don't have the right to hate him when in fact he's making a good role of being a villain"

I remembered how Sasuke mistook me for Temari. I remembered how he called me a schemer, a cocksucker, and a whore. It made me teary-eyed recalling that time.

"He will call you names without even blinking. He doesn't consider the feelings of others. He puts his own above others"

My head slumped on the kitchen table. I cried over my folded arms. I did not even realize it but I was shaking all over.

"There, I have said it. I know you will hate me but I just have to say it," I said between sobs. I collected myself and sat up. I noticed that neither of us touched the strawberry cake that she unwrapped on the table "Of course, you will not believe me because you're his mother. I don't blame you. All parents think their child is a given angel"

Sasuke's mother passed me a Kleenex tissue box across the table. I took it and blew my nose.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be,"

I looked at her. It was weird but I could tell she was amused instead of outraged

"I knew it. The moment I set my eyes on you, I knew you were the one for my Sasuke"

"Pardon me?" I could not help but think that all those times, I was just speaking in my mind. I mean it looked like she did not even hear a word that I said.

"Oh, dear, I have to call daddy to make some arrangements. Oh, and also Itachi! I have to inform him about this. I'm so excited about this, oh, how wonderful!"

Suddenly, you could hear strong footsteps approaching. Sasuke appeared at the door. You could see plain frustration across his face. "Mom, where's she?"

Upon entering the room, Sasuke was hugged by his mom who had been jumping in joy.

"Oh, Sasuke, you don't know how happy you have made mommy today. If you just have told me about her, I would have taken an earlier flight"

"Mom, what are you saying?" Sasuke asked as he looked from her to me. He glared at me, as usual, which I have grown numb of.

"Can you believe that she did not even mention a single word about how handsome you are? She's the real thing!"

That was not the effect I wanted! Oh my God, I stood up from my seat abruptly. My knees hit the table underneath. The sound alarmed Sasuke's mother and she broke off from Sasuke. She was quick on my side asking where it hurt.

Sasuke took me away from his mom.

"Mom, she has to leave now. I'll accompany her home"

"Oh, stay as late as you want, Sasuke. I don't mind"

Oh, great. I now know where Sasuke inherited his madness.

Sasuke dragged me away from his excited mother. As we left the room, I could already hear her talking to 'daddy' on the phone. Sasuke did not say a word to me. He pushed me inside the passenger seat of his car then went to the driver's seat.

We were already on the main road when Sasuke spoke to me, "What did you say to my mom?"

"Nothing," I whispered then thought of all those things that I told her. However courageous I was then, I could not bring myself to tell the exact words to Sasuke now that I was alone with him. He would drain all the blood out of my veins.

"Nothing? She wouldn't have been that excited,"

I just told your mom what a jackass she has for a son.

I looked away from him. I took advantage of the fact that both of his hands were on the wheels where they cannot find their way to strangle me. I stayed farthest from him. Suddenly, I remembered something. Sai and I were supposed to meet at 8 pm. I felt my phone in my pocket. Where was it?

"Sasuke, I left my bag in your house"

"I'll be damned if I allow you to return there"

"But my bag!"

"I'll hand it tomorrow"

"But my phone is in my bag"

"I'll lend mine"

"It's not my phone"

"What's so special about your phone? I bet it doesn't have a 5G"

"I need to contact my mom" I lied, "It's very important and I don't know her number"

Sasuke sighed. He pulled over the road then he asked me to lean, his body touching mine as he opened the passenger door for me, "Wait for me in that shop. I'll bring your bag"

I stepped out of the car then entered the café shop. As soon as the car was out of sight, I stepped out of the shop and ran to the meeting place. I have only less than five minutes. I cannot wait for Sasuke anymore.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath as I ran on the street. It was starting to rain again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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