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I was resolved on telling the truth. Let Sasuke gnash his teeth in fury! I had lost my closest friends and Sai. Certainly, there was nothing more to lose.

I decided that I will tell him everything as to the point as possible.

Sasuke, I was the one who sent you the letter. It was by accident. It was meant for my boyfriend. I pretended to like you to appease you. I realized what a big mistake that was. I know you're mad. I know you are. But I just have to tell the truth. I'm sorry, Sasuke.

Who cares what Sasuke will do after that? I mean I had been ridiculed several times now. I had grown immune!

Duh. Who am I kidding? Life after that is an unimaginable calamity.

Yamanaka Ino: The Life of the Campus Laughingstock Part II. Damn, my life can be a screenplay. I can just imagine the post-apocalyptic setting.

Fuck. What am I saying? I should just go ahead and tell Sasuke.

As luck would have it though, Uchiha Sasuke did not go to school that day.

Later that day, I received a text message from Sai. He wanted us to meet at 8 pm. I was reading the message when I saw Shino walking alone. I stopped him in the corridor.


He pretended not to hear me as I walked beside him. "Where's Sasuke?"

"He's not around"

Dude, that is so fucking obvious. I wanted to twist his head. I stopped following Shino as soon as I realized I cannot juice anything from him. I turned around and walked away when Shino called me back.

"Sasuke is sick"

Back in the classroom, I was too preoccupied to even bother listening to the teacher. I did not want another day to pass by without telling Sasuke the truth. I was determined that this will be the day. Anyway, I had enough time to confess to Sasuke before my meeting with Sai. I can visit Sasuke under the disguise of a concerned friend when in fact all I want to do is to take advantage of this handicapped situation of him while he is at it.

Sasuke being sick means Sasuke less violent. This is the best time! Sasuke may backlash at me afterward but what can a bedridden Sasuke do to me? I just hope that he was as ill as that or else he will have the energy to exterminate life out of me.


I took a deep breath then rang the bell in the Uchiha mansion. In no time, a maid greeted me.

"Hi. I'm Yamanaka Ino. I'm, Uhm, an acquaintance of Uchiha Sasuke. I heard he is sick so, Uhm, you know, I decided to pay him a visit" I laughed a little. Oh boy, why am I feeling all panicky about this visit? The maid looked at me like I was some idiot. After a while, she escorted me inside the marvelous place.

The maid told me to wait in one of the spacious rooms. Perhaps it was called the piano room. It was mostly empty space. A big black piano was situated near the large french window of the room. The wall and the ceiling were cream white. The floor was a dark hardwood floor. I sat on the long white couch at the end of the room.

When the door opened, I was expecting to see the maid. To my horror, it was a shirtless Uchiha Sasuke clad in cotton pajama. His hair was ruffled and you can see lines on his face, those lines marked by pillows. He looked like he just stepped out of bed but that was not the worst part.

He looked in perfect health.

B-But he's supposed to be sick! I was so engrossed in the idea that he was so ill that I asked him the most stupid thing, "W-Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" He asked leaning on the door, raising a brow, crossing his arms.

Damn Shino, that bastard might have been snickering now. I was pranked!

Suddenly, I saw myself in no position to be in Sasuke's house. How I had dragged myself there was beyond my imagination. I realized I had not yet apologized for slapping him. Furthermore, it was still fresh in our minds about the fight between him and Gaara two days ago. To top it all, I called his phone at 2 am without bothering to think that he might have been asleep. All of those things returned to me and it strikes me that Sasuke had all the right to kick me out of his house. Literally.

"Sasuke, do you have a visitor?"

We both looked at the newcomer. She had long black hair and a radiant face that was always in a smile. Everything about her looked motherly. Her eyes locked on me and I realized I was being analyzed.

Then she looked at Sasuke.

"Sasuke, can't you be more decent in front of this beautiful lady?"

"Mom, I'm almost sure she's about to leave" Sasuke threw me a knowing glare.

"It's just a short visit, missus, and Sasuke's right I'm about to leave now" I stood up and picked my bag when I realized that it was nowhere to be found. I remembered that the maid took it. I can get it another time.

However, Sasuke's mom was quick. She was on my side before I knew it. She held me down on my shoulders. "Oh, dear, why not stay a little longer?"

"I can't"

"She can't"

Sasuke and I said in unison.

His mother looked from Sasuke to me then she chuckled softly, "Sasuke go upstairs and make yourself more presentable. Your friend and I will have a little chitchat in the meantime"

His mother took my arms and dragged me to another room. As we passed Sasuke, I dared not look at his face.

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