Hate at first sight

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"Damn it! Let go of me!"

With that kind of boisterous voice, I knew exactly who the approaching student was and in less than 30 seconds my prediction was proved right. The school guard entered the detention office and pushed inside a blond boy.

Hell, I muttered under my breath. First I was forced to run like a moron but still ended up late. Then much to my anticipation, I was scolded face-to-face (since I was so lucky to be the only late student today) by Baki-sensei, the executioner of all late students. And I gotta tell you Baki-sensei isn't a great sight in the morning, he makes me pee for an unknown reason.

At least the detention I received from it was tolerable. But to spend it with the number one noisiest student of Konoha High? Oh, Kami, what's wrong with you today suddenly making a jinx out of me

Uzumaki Naruto retreated to a seat near me. And though I hate him because he always aggravates noise pollution, I didn't shoo him away. A cousin was still a cousin. But as I had expected, when he turned to me, he instantly began talking. Gracious heaven, it was as if his mouth has a life of its own.

Naruto tsk-tsked and dramatically cast a sympathizing look "You just smeared your record. What did you do?" Something I hate about him is that when he's concerned, he looked and eventually also sounded all the same as when he's sarcastic. What a natural-born prankster.

"I was late. Nothing more than the crazy antics that earned you another detention" I said

"Don't classify something heroic like that"

"Heroic?" I almost choked on that "You consider 'pissing Uchiha Sasuke' heroic. I say it's hilarious"

"I'm just trying to borrow his homework. What's wrong with that?" Naruto defended immediately.

"Because there are over 500 freshmen here and you just tried to borrow from your self-proclaimed rival?" I remarked "Know what? Your stupidity can't be understood"

Much to my surprise, Naruto just laughed "If I'm stupid then Sasuke's way stupider than me" Pulling out something from his bag, he revealed Sasuke's notebook. He laughed again in triumph. Thankfully, we were the only students in the detention office and the teacher supposedly watching over us was out of the room for daily gossips.

"If that Uchiha discovers you stole it, you'll be suspended," I said what was supposed to be said, not that I care.

Naruto grinned, "He wouldn't. Believe me"

"Well, what if someone questions your homework?"

"Then I'll tell, my ever caring cousin deliberately made me copy her work" He smiled. That was reasonable after all. Even if Naruto belongs to the last section and I to the second section, we have the same questions for our homework. That is because Algebra is held by Kakashi who is so damn lazy that he gives the same assignment in all his classes.

As Naruto began copying Sasuke's homework though, something as vivid as lightning struck me. My sudden recall of it made me involuntarily jerked up that Naruto immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

The resonant sound of the bell echoed throughout the campus signaling another end of the hour. It also means detention time had ended. As the bell continued to ring, I hastened my writing.

"Who's benefiting from my heroic act now?" Naruto smiled sheepishly rubbing the fact that I'm bound to accept his act was indeed heroic to show some gratitude. And as if enjoying my blatant defeat, he added "How come a nerd like you forgot an assignment?"


If God had spared me a second, I would have given Naruto one of my dagger stares. I'm not a nerd! I only spent 5 hours in the study... okay, maybe five and half hours. I would have rationalized this offense had I not been under time pressure.

"It slipped from my mind" was my excuse. I couldn't possibly tell him that I prioritized making a letter over doing homework. The same reason I woke up late since I already had slept 1 in the morning. As I think more of the letter, the picture of my cheating boyfriend suddenly occupied my thoughts. Envy and anger overwhelmed me that I unconsciously broke my pen.

"I-Ino, are you alright?" Naruto asked perceiving fires on me

Finally, I broke from the thoughts of torturing my boyfriend and returned to reality where I found my cousin staring at me, dumbstruck. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," I said then laughed sheepishly "I gotta go" It was the only thing I can say to escape from his further inquisition.

Naruto stared at my departing figure still puzzled. When he was about to leave the room too, he though noticed something on the floor.


Hinata laughed softly as I finished telling the whole incident that morning. Lunchtime was about to end and many students were returning to their respected rooms. As we walked along the crowded hallway, Hinata turned to me and asked with hesitation, "What about Sai?"

Concealing my envy, I replied coolly "That cheater was strolling in the mall with a girl. And they were so close I knew they'll gonna kiss next so I ran before I could witness more from their affair"

As I told Hinata more details of the scene, my gaze suddenly locked outside the window. Under the shade of a tree rest a group that includes some freshmen from the top section; Aburame Shino, Hyuga Neji, Sabaku Gaara, and the most popular student in Konoha High, Uchiha Sasuke.

I stopped in my tracks and went closer to the window. While his other three friends somewhat enjoyed the scenery of campus ground, Uchiha Sasuke lies on the grassy ground taking a nap. When he woke up and yawned, the MANY girls around them giggled. When he rubbed his eyes, girls giggled more. Every single movement from him caused the crowd of females to flatter. One student emerged out from the female crowd. With that long jet black hair, I immediately distinguished her as one of the socialite girls in sophomore.

Kin and Sasuke talked for a moment then Sasuke stood up. Though he was only a first-year student, he stood higher than Kin. So it would be unquestionable that when he pulled her body near his, he had full control. Anyway, the next event was greatly anticipated by Kin so it didn't really matter.

First, there were only whispers and bites. A pure kiss followed until it became passionate enough, the next thing happening was suffocating scenes of uncontrolled actions. I was impressed. Under a tree was the most private place they could get.

That time I realized Uchiha Sasuke was everything I hate. A Casanova. A certified—

"Cheater," The word run bitterly in my tongue "Let's go, Hinata"

It started with a Hate LetterWhere stories live. Discover now