Looking for you

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The horoscope today was right. Phones would be a bad omen for me.

I immediately hung up and turned away. But luckless as I was today, I accidentally hit the open door of the locker beside mine. The owner of the said locker was talking on his phone when he stared down at me angrily. And though Akado Yoroi wasn't as arrogant as Uchiha Sasuke, he belongs to a fraternity of vicious students to be feared that I instantly apologized.

And yes, the horoscope was once again right in predicting my destiny today.

"Are you blind or what!" Yoroi said heatedly, "You've just messed up my call—! Hey, stop there!"

I was already running away from there that the last clear word I heard from Yoroi was 'shit'. I have a bigger thing to deal with than to stand there and soothe his fury.

"WHAT! TO UCHIHA SASUKE!" Hinata and I immediately gestured to Tenten in silence. "Sorry," Tenten apologized. Luckily, the bakeshop was free from any unwanted schoolmates "But how?"

"I think it fell when I was in detention" I paused thinking "I'm not sure but Naruto might have thought it slid from Sasuke's notebook and so... oh, hell, what if that was the very scene that happened!"

Tenten resumed slurping her drink then asked "Well if Sasuke didn't know it was you, how'd he managed to call you?"

Silence. "Actually, I wrote my number at the bottom," I said awkwardly.

Hinata turned to me, "Why do you have to do that, Ino-chan? Sai already knows your number"

Silence again. "Uhm, I have this new number"

Tenten laughed, she almost choked in happiness "Are you stupid? You think Sai wouldn't know it came from you just because you got a different number?"

I always knew Tenten had a great potential to be a psychologist. Sometimes when we talk, she has this amazing talent to make me feel like I'm the stupidest person out of a trillion people. At times like this, I do feel the necessity of banging my head against a wall. "I didn't call you up to remind me how stupid I am! In case you're forgetting, you're here to help me" I said.

"I think you should just apologize," Hinata said.

"Believe me. Uchiha Sasuke wouldn't accept an apology. I suggest you do something to calm his anger" Tenten said.

"And do you have any idea what this 'something' could probably be?" I raised a brow.

Tenten smiled


I don't feel like waking up today. Actually, I don't feel like waking up again. I always thought I was born lucky but now my perception has changed. When I arrived at school, there was something in the ambiance that told me today wouldn't be a great day. Of course, I knew why.

Just this morning, I made up my mind. I'll apologize to Sasuke as soon as I see, him having said that deep inside, I wished 'the soonest I see him' would be two geological years from now. I realized an apology (though I don't know where it would lead me) would be better than to comply with Tenten's wild idea.

Many students had already littered the hallway; the locker area as I had always expected was as crowded as ever. As I entered the lock code and opened my locker, I was surprised at how messy things were inside. Yeah, remains of yesterday's chain curses. I pulled out some books and thought of other necessary things to get. Much to my dismay, my thoughts were still in chaos and I found my mind processing very slow.

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