Part four

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Tommy woke up, confused. He looked around, wondering where he was. That's when he remembered. He quickly put that to the back of his mind as he listened to the beeps of the monitors. He heard voices, Tubbos specifically. "Is he ok? Is he alive?" Was all he heard before he blacked out again.

He woke up. But this time, something didn't feel right. He felt lighter, as if he could almost float. He looked around, confused. That's when Tubbo walked in, carrying Michael in a baby backpack. Tommy watched as Tubbo knelt down beside him, talking to him softly. "Tommy, c'mon man, please wake up. I can't loose you too." He was confused. What did Tubbo mean by "you too?" He shrugged it off mentally. "Tubbo, I'm fine. Trust me. I can make it through this." Tommy heard Tubbo gasp. "Tommy! You're alive! Oh my god!" Just as quickly as he had woken up, Tommy blacked out once again.

He woke up. Tubbo was still there, paying no attention to him nor Michael. Tommy turned his head towards Tubbo. "Tubbo. You can go. I promise I'll be ok. You can't just forget about Ranboo because I'm hurt. He needs you too. To help with Michael." Tommy stared at Tubbo, confused why he wasn't answeing. He was asleep, Tommy guessed.

Tubbo finally woke up a few hours later. When he woke up, Tommy heard him gasp, a look of horror on his face. Tommy watched him fall to the floor, landing on his knees. He watched, confused as Tubbo broke down sobbing. "Tubbo? What's wrong? I'm alive!" But they didn't seem to hear him. "Tubbo. C'mon, this isn't funny." Tommy huffed, sitting up. He went to stand up, and gasped.

Author's note//
Sorry guys it's such a fucking short chapter and there's like no effort put into it i've been struggling mentally and have completely forgotten about this shit anyways I'm off to work my ass off on another story. Coming soon ;)
Lol probably not I might finish the story before I publish it just so that I don't abandon the story right in the middle like I did with this one

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