Part three

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Tubbo sat back down with Tommys body, whispering to him as he stroked his hair, something they did to eachother when they where younger. Tommy was breathing again, but it was steadily becoming more shaky. He held him close, trying his hardest to keep his tears back. "I'm so sorry Tommy, I caused this." He hugged him. Something he'd never get to do again. Tommy was going to die and he knew it. "Tubbo, he's not going to die, I promise." Ranboo turned towards him and bent down, ruffling his plantonic husbands hair. "That's a hard promise to keep Ranboo.." They both let out a sigh.

"Oh c'mon now, stop pitting over a child who rightfully so died." Tubbo and Ranboos faces whipped towards Dream. "Fuck you! You're a heartless demon! You where send straight UP from hell!" Tubbo snapped at him. Dreams face lit up with pleasure. Ranboo shakily stood back up and looked at Dream. "Dream, please don't hurt Tubbo. He's been through so much pain all in one day.." Dream stood there, as if he was actually thinking about taking the offer.

"Very well. But I still get to finish Tommy off." "NO!" Tubbo whipped his head around and glared at Dream with every last bit of his soul. "Dream, i'm not afraid to stand up and kill you." Ranboo looked worriedly at Tubbo. "Tubbo- no. I can't afford to loose you.." Ranboo let out a sigh of pity and regret. "Tubbo, if it means protecting you and Tommy, i'll have to go ahead and risk fighting him." Tubbo let go of Tommy and clung onto Ranboo. "Please.." His face filled with tears once more, and Ranboo let out a pity sigh. "Tubbo, if it means protecting you and Tommy, i'll have to." Tubbo shook his head as he began to steadily cry. "Ranboo, no- please- I refuse- please don't go." Tubbo said in between fits of crying. Ranboo hugged him back.

When they both released their grip, Ranboo stood up and faced Dream. "You ready to die, heartless bastard?" Ranboo stared dead into the smiley face of Dream's mask. "Hate to break it to you, Ranboo, but that sentence doesn't fit me." Ranboo watched as Dream lifted the mask off and threw it to the ground. He ruffled his hair and smiled at Ranboo. "So, let's get this show on the road, shall we?" They both unsheathed their swords. Tubbo scooted away slowly with Tommy still in his arms. He watched in horror as Dream lunged at Ranboo.

"NO!" He shouted

authors note//
dont mind the fact I havent updated in two weeks uh

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