Part one

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tommy just wanted freedom.

Tommy stood at the edge of the rooftop, looking out over the vast, busy, and loud city. He heard footsteps from behind him, making the ultimate decision to ignore them. They were most likely someone like him, coming up to look at the skies above, which where clear, not a single cloud in sight. "This is nice, I can live with this." Tommy says to himself quietly, exhaling slowly. The thoughts and memories came rushing back. The start of L'manburg, the fall, the betrayal by his own brother, the manipulation.

He quickly shook off those thoughts. He heard a small, quiet, and disgustingly familiar voice behind him. "Tommy? What are you doing up here?" Tommy growled to himself in annoyance. It was Tubbo. Tommy hadn't wanted nor apparently needed to see Tubbos face for the months that Tubbo had spent ignoring him. "Tubbo, the hell you want? Aren't you going to do something with Ranboo and Michael?" Tommy turned his head. Tubbo stood about three meters back, a large hoodie over his small body. He looked so innocent, so hopeless, so unimportant.

But Tommy knew otherwise. He was the sole cause of his forced exile, which lead to his manipulation, a scar in his mind he'd never be able to forget. "N-no. I was just-" Tommy heard Tubbo start up his sentence, stopping midway through for a breath of to Tommy, he couldn't tell what. "I was just seeing if you were ok. I get that we've been kind of.. distant lately, and i'm sorry." Tommy watched as Tubbo lowered his head. He took a moment to think about what Tubbo had just said. "I- ok I guess." He shrugged, turning back to the sky.

"Have you ever thought about what it would have been like, if Pog2020 had won the election, and L'manburg hadn't been blown up?" Tommy looked down at the busy street below. It didn't even scare him that any second, he could fall over the edge. He heard more footsteps, then a commotion of happy squeals and laughter. He turned to see Ranboo, the person who had taken his best friend from him, and their adopted zombie pigman son, Michael. Ranboo looked towards where Tommy stood and nodded. Tommy just sighed.

"Have you ever thought.. how easy it would be just to.. give up?" Tommy asked aloud. There was dead silence following his words. "Tommy- what do you mean by that?" Tubbo answered in a confused, yet scared voice. Tommy turned towards them and smiled. "It won't hurt anymore, if i'm free as a bird!" Tommy saw the relization sink into Tubbos mind. He also took note that Ranboo was covering Michaels ears and eyes. They both knew what was to come.

Tommy took a step closer to the edge. "Tommy, no! You're going to fall!" Tommy gave a small, pitiful smirk. "I know." He took another step closer. Tubbo ran over and hugged him as he used to when they where best friends. "Please, no. Come with me, we can go get icecream, watch movies- we can reform those bonds that loosened!" Tommy hugged Tubbo back and began to feel tears run down his face. "Tubbo," He said in a shaky voice. "You don't understand, how much i've been hurt." Tubbo tightened his grip. "I know.. I know I don't. Just.. stay with me, please?"

Tommys emotions took over again, and he pushed Tubbo away. "No! In case you've forgotten, YOU where the one who sent me away, when I needed you most!" He stepped back to where his feet where near the edge of the rooftop. He could feel the air conditioning rising up from the windows below. "Tommy! No!" Tubbo cried out, getting back to his feet. "Don't do this!" He begged, uncontrollably sobbing. "I'm sorry Tubbo, I love you. Take care of Ranboo for me, will you?" Tubbo ran over, but he wasn't quick enough. Tommy let himself fall over the edge.

"TOMMY, NO!" Tubbo screamed, falling onto his knees, shaking uncontrollably.

Hold onto me // Tommyinnit angstWhere stories live. Discover now