Chapter 10: Deceit

Start from the beginning

From the brief contact of sunlight with her skin, Izumi gathered enough of it to melt through enough of it if she were trapped alone. Which had turned out to be the case, meaning that the entire front of her body had tons of concrete piled onto it. She could feel her skin break, her muscles tear, her bones shatter, but she endured it. Or at least tried to hold on to her consciousness, otherwise she'd certainly die trapped under it. A heat radiated from her body, turning the rock into a slurry of ash and what felt like cement. The stone liquid covered her body as it dripped down, if she didn't raise the heat then she'd drown with cement in her lungs. I don't have a plan, it was like swimming through a thick gelatin as she tried breaching through the liquid, but that's okay. At least I am giving it my all, she coughed out any residue that made it into her mouth as she reached sunlight, maybe I can win against these two demons? With the warm sun beating down on her, the heat she was radiating increased to the point where the stone was evaporated.

"I haven't given up, you two!" It was like she was becoming the sun she so desperately relied on for her nameless quirk. She wanted to continue fighting on, but she was struck by an unseen hand to the back of her neck, knocking her out. However...neither Shouto or Bakugou were near her to deliver the blow. So who did? It couldn't have been Hagakure, for she was standing next to Ochako at the moment. Just who was the one who attacked her? That was the thought on her mind as she fell down into the remnants of the concrete stew, Katsuki blew open a hole in the fallen concrete, letting the flow of the stone stew flow out. He hadn't done it to save Izumi, but open up a hole for him to subdue her. So, even he was surprised to find her laying unconscious on the floor.


Izumi would've woken up moments later, but she'd exhausted her body too much. So when she awoke, she found herself in the infirmary she'd been in after the entrance exam she passed. Her head ached as she opened her eyes to the blinding white light of the fluorescent bulbs above. Her hopes had come true when she found out that no one had been watching over her. "I lost," she sat up from her laying position, "damnit..." It had been the first time she'd cursed, otherwise she avoided it like the plague, in fear that she too would become cursed in some way. But it seemed that she let her grip loosen on that moral for the time being. She rubbed the male of her neck, remembering the distinct pain that came with it. It was like someone delivered a punch that had the strength of a bull funneled into it.

Sighing, Izumi pulled the covers off of herself and slid out of bed, each of her individual muscles aching as she stood on them. Slowly, she shuffled towards the door and walked out of it. Knowing that there were doors leading out to the two courtyards, Izumi began to shuffle until she got halfway down the empty hall. To where the doors were, she was about to turn the knob and walk out into the lit courtyard, but the sound of feet hitting the ground stopped her. She looked to her right to see All Might skidding to a stop, "I am here, Midoriya-Chan!" He shouted before booking it in her direction, instead of opening the door and letting it close behind her when she went into the courtyard, she held the door open for the massive hero. "Thank you," he said, following her into the sunny outdoors, "nothing like some fresh air, am I right?"

A deep breath brought the delicious scent of grass to her, "yes, nothing beats the clean feeling of fresh air beating itself into your lungs." Izumi took a few more steps to get the sun to cover every inch of her battered body, "anyway, All Might, sir, what did you need from me?" Slowly, a relief came over her body as the pain slithered away.

"Not much, I just wanted to check up on my student," she should've figured as much, seeing that she'd probably suffered the most damage out of anyone else from her own choices. "So how are you feeling?"

She shrugged, causing her shoulder to crack, "other than feeling sore all around, not too bad." Izumi seemingly caught onto his real intentions when she realized that what she did was just as unorthodox as Aizawa's teaching method. "You came here to lecture me, didn't you?" A quick shake of his head caused his blond hair to bob, "I should've known, I'm sorry that I-wait, you didn't come here to do that? Then why did you come here?"

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