"He's not supposed to know, that was the agreement I made," Lance told Zeno. 

"Look, you've broken a lot of rules recently, this is nothing. He deserves to know, Blue," Zeno gave Lance a meaningful look. 

"The last part of the document is going to be a problem," Lance sighed, looking back to Brick. The boy looked down at the paper in Lance's hands with confusion written across his face. 

"But, isn't that the part about not having any contact with parents? No agent knows their true parents, how would that be a problem?" Brick asked, watching as Lance lowered his gaze to the floor. 

"You do know your "parent", and cutting connections with them would be problematic in the long run," Lance's voice dropped while saying "parent" making it clear that the situation was more complicated. 

"You know him too?! I've been trying to get an answer out of Zeno for years!" Brick's face brightened. 

"Him? You only know one?" Hunk asked, breaking the silence that consumed the other members of Voltron in the room. 

"Yeah, I was adopted off a planet a while ago. Their name and Zeno's are the only ones listed," Brick smiled. Keith gave Lance an odd look. 

"So you don't know who it is?" Pidge asked in surprise. 

"No agent is supposed to know their parents, that's the whole point of removing them at age 5," Lance sighed. "It allows them independence. We place them in "families" that will take care of them until they can live on their own, but the adult of the group is always an agent,"

"Tell me who it is!" Brick demanded. "Which agent is Lance McClain?" The room became still. 

"Lance?" Hunk's voice was uncertain and hesitant, he stared directly at Lance who didn't meet any of their eyes. 

"Yeah, my birth certificate says Lance McClain!" Brick said happily, oblivious to the tension in the room. 

"Brick, come with me," Lance said as he got up from the chair. "Zeno, you are not to say anything until I get back," He ordered, clearly in agent mode with how he spoke. 

"Yes sir," It was odd to Voltron to hear the giant shaggy alien in front of them call their happy-go-lucky Paladin 'sir', but they all did their best to ignore it. 

Brick skipped out of the room. His steps echoing around the hall while Lance didn't make a sound. 

"My name is Lance McClain, when I found you I was on assignment," Brick stopped walking, but didn't turn to face the agent. "I was sent to stop a group of slave traders, a large ring of trafficking dealers. When I saw you I wanted to bring you back to Earth, unsure of how you got so far out in space. I signed the documents they gave me without a second thought and brought you back to Earth as your legal guardian. Director Raven gave me 2 options, put you in the agent system, or send you away.  I couldn't part with you, so I allowed you to become an agent as long as I could keep in contact. I was the one to decide who should train you, and I'm determined to watch your progress," His words felt too professional for the situation at hand, but Lance chose to ignore it for now. 

Brick was still, his body tense. The hall became silent after Lance was done explaining. 

"You're Lance McClain?" Aiden asked slowly. 

"Yes, I am,"

"Aiden McClain," Brick said softly, his voice gentle. Lance looked up at him, noticing that Brick was turned to face him, a smile on his face while his eyes were trained on the ground. "Aiden McClain," He said again. "I never used my last name because I didn't know what to think of it, if I should be proud of it or not, but I know now," He smiled, meeting eyes with the anxious agent. 

Agent BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora