~ Chapter 1 ~

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Kierra's P.O.V :

Waking up around 7A.M as usual I said my morning prayer. My relationship with God is most important in my life. Talking to the Lord is one of my favorite things to do. Finishing my daily convo with God I went to do my morning routine. Brushing my teeth, doing my hair, getting dressed etc. I don't have much to do today so I just threw on a shirt and no pants. The strong dislike I have for pants is ridiculous. I've only got to do promotion interviews for my book and soon to be newly released music on Instagram lives'. Just as I was eating breakfast Jordan called. Smiling at his contact name and picture popping up on my phone I answered. "Hey Ki" he said. "Good Morning Papi" I replied. Shamika always teases me for calling him that but I think it's cute.

Jordan: "How'd you sleep last night?"

Kierra: "Pretty Good, I missed you."

Jordan: *ugly ass laugh he does* "I missed you too."

Kierra: "Are you coming over for the live later?"

Jordan: "Yeah I'll be at your house around 2"

We said "I love you" and hung up. Man I love me some Jordan. He's everything I've ever wanted in a man and more. He makes me feel secure within our relationship and myself. I can't wait to marry him, the wedding is in about three weeks. I haven't told my supporters yet but that's because we're keeping it private. So just close family and friends. I finished my breakfast and scrolled on Instagram for awhile. It was around 9 now and I totally forgot i said I'd go over to mommy's house today. I jumped up putting pants on, grabbing my stuff and heading to the car.

When I got to mommy's house I already seen J Drew's car along with Auntie Dorinda & Auntie Jacky's. I guess daddy had some big announcements? I opened the door with my spare key and walked into the living room to find them all sitting and laughing. We all greeted one another before  daddy got to the "important" thing he had to tell us.

"Okay guys so I really do need to notify you of some important changes in the church. Most of this is for Dorinda and all the rest of the church leaders' but Ki and J Drew you'll play a big part in this as well" daddy stated.

We all gave him our undivided attention as he went on about how the church added a public image manager to the team. Which I don't see why he has to have a big meeting about it.

Bishop Sheard: "So the thing about the manager is she is um..bisexual. Which I know is a very controversial and touchy subject within the church but she's the best and top of her class and we definitely need her. So I wanted to know if anybody had any problems with that?"

Everybody looked around in a bit of shock and confusion before answering. Nobody seemed to mind but mommy thinks it's bad for the church image. Which is understandable being the position he is in.

Bishop Sheard: "There's nothing I can do about it Karen, it's already been done and there's no going back." Daddy explained.

I still don't see why we all had to be called over for that. It wasn't that big of a deal, it's not like she'll be going around preaching in service. We all talked and laughed for a little longer before leaving. As I was heading out of the door daddy stopped me.

Bishop Sheard: "Oh yeah, Kierra I need you to show her around and such."

Kierra: "Woah daddy, me?! Isn't there people to do that?"

Bishop: "yeah ... you. I've just said that."

I knew there was no getting out of this so I said "yes sir." Sighing in defeat. I don't really have time to show someone around the church and how things run. I sing, and sometimes speak. But now I guess I'm playing tour guide. "Her names Kaelyn, I'll give her your number so you two can discuss meeting and what not." Daddy mentioned.

"Okay" I responded. I kissed mommy and daddy goodbye as well as my aunties and J Drew. I headed home for the Instagram lives I have in an hour with Jordon and a few other artist. I was thinking about how I've got to show the new public imagine manger around and I don't want to do it at all, but I've got to be obedient. So I guess it's what I have to do..

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