Chapter6: My Crush> <

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IG: Sunisaxx
HELLO lovelies. Hope you like the story so far.. ><

Yubi's Pov*

I glanced at Kai telling him to stop doing this none sense. Sehun will get the wrong idea. How can he touch me casually like that?.

"Yubi.. who is this?" Sehun asked at me and averted his eyes to Kai who is holding my hand, not letting it go.

I step on Kai's foot really hard, wishing he would release my  hand and thank God he did.

"Yah, what was that for?", he yelled jumping up and down while holding his foot. I ignored him but wahh that look so painful. He deserved it.Pervert bastard.

"Uhh this guy is Kai, he is a family friend", i chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh hi im Sehun. Nice to meet you. Im Yubi's classmate". I wish one day you would introduce me as your girlfriend. Hull~ how i wish that could happen.

"Nice to meet you too. Im Yubi's---", i covered Kai's mouth violently to stop him from talking. I know he was about to say 'roommate'. Hell nah I'm gonna let that happen. "Yubi's family friend. He was gonna say that" i said. I avoided Sehun's eyes, so he doesn't know that I'm lying.

on the way back>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

"Yubi, you like that Sehun guy right?", i turned my head towards Kai." None of your business".

"You are too obvious my little Yubi"- Kai

"You dont even know me. Dont say such a stupid thing. If I'm in love with him then that is my problem. I will deal with it myself", i signed loudly. I've a crush on Sehun since forever. Before he wasn't very popular but as we get older his popularity increase. I have less chance to be with him now. Its all my fault that i didn't tell him sooner.

"Yubi.. you have no dating experience have you?", Kai just randomly brought up the topic.

"Omg Kai why do you care?". This guy is very weird.. weirdest of all kind.

"Oppa. Kai oppa~ not Kai. He pinch my cheek playfully. "Dongsaeng shouldn't be informal " he pinched harder.

"Who gave you the right to touch me?", i said motionlessly. Kai removed his hand. "You are too serious, guys don't like it when girls are too serious", he mumbled.

"Well for your information, i don' you either", i smacked his chest. From that we stayed quiet all the way home.

We got home but there is no sign of papa and mama. They re always at work so I'm used to being alone at home.

*Knock knock*. There was a knocked on the door. Who would it be i thought.

I opened the door.
"Yoyoyo yubiyah~ i miss you", a hug was thrown at me. Kai stood still confused as what is going on.

guess!! who is i?? ^>^

Kai my roommateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن