Left Behind

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Sarah didn't appear the rest of that afternoon. When she didn't show up to dinner, Barnaby's stomach lurched. 

He peered up and down the Slytherin table. 

"Where's Merula?"

Nnnh-nnh," said Ismelda, her mouth full of baked potato. She swallowed. "Haven't seen her since the DADA exam."

Barnaby sprang from his seat to sit across from Rowan at the Gryffindor table. There was no Bill to chase him away this time.

"Have you seen Sarah?" he asked. 

"No. She hasn't been with you?"

"I haven't seen her since we got out of the exam. And Merula and Bill are gone, too. Do you think she's gone inside the vault?"

Rowan's eyes widened. "That's exactly what she did." 

Barnaby felt panic settling in. "What do we do?"

Rowan stood. "Let's make sure. Let's ask everyone if they've seen her, or saw where she went."

He and Rowan split up to question all their friends in the Great Hall.

"Did you learn anything?" Barnaby asked, when they met up again by the great doors. 

Rowan shook her head frantically. "Only that Charlie and Ben are missing too."

"That doesn't make sense. They're not apprentices."

"Maybe Rakepick has them trapped somewhere. Hey, where are you going?"

Barnaby had already taken off toward the grand staircase. "To find them. Or find this bloody vault myself if I have to."

He and Rowan ran over the entire castle, checking the common rooms, unused classrooms, and any secret passages they knew of. 

Finally, Rowan grabbed his arm. "We have to tell Dumbledore."

They ran to his office, but neither of them new the password, so they yelled and Barnaby kicked at the stone gargoyle that guarded the door until the staircase descended and Dumbledore appeared. 

"Alright, you've got my attention," he said. "Whatever is the matter?"

They explained their theory that Sarah and the others had vanished inside the cursed vault with Madam Rakepick. As they talked, Dumbledore's expression became more grave. 

"I see," he said, when they had finished. "Unfortunately, there is little for us to do accept await their return."

"What?!" exclaimed Barnaby. "We can't do that! We've got to go save them!" 

"I'm afraid Mr. Lee, that every person that knows how to enter that vault is already inside it." Dumbledore rested a hand on Barnaby's shoulder. "Try not to worry. Miss Spellman has proven quite capable of handling the vaults, despite my many warnings."

"And they're with Rakepick," said Rowan. 

"Mmm," said Dumbledore. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. If you'll excuse me, I must notify the rest of the staff."

Dumbledore strode down the corridor toward the marble staircase. 

Barnaby stood there, fuming. Rowan looked like she might be ill. 

"Dumbledore's right," she said, though she sounded unsure. "Sarah will be okay in the vault. She always is."

Barnaby sprinted off again, Rowan groaning before hurrying after him. He sped down corridors and vaulted down staircases, finally coming to a stop in front of Beatrice's portrait. 

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