A Learning Moment

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Barnaby stayed in the forest with Liz for so long, they'd had to runt to the castle to make it back before curfew. They sprinted through the doors just before Filch closed them, muttering about tardiness and punishments for running and laughing. 

"That was fun," said Liz breathlessly as Filch limped away. 

"Yeah," said Barnaby. It had been his best day at Hogwarts this year. He and Liz had wandered all over the grounds, showing each other their favorite creatures. Liz had been quiet at first, but once she warmed up to him, she couldn't stop talking. 

"Perhaps tomorrow I can show you this little pool I found in the dark forest that contains a kappa. You can see it if you're not afraid to get close."

"That sounds brilliant," said Barnaby. Then he remembered his study schedule, and the old bitter feelings began to creep back in. "But, I can't."

"Because of your mad tutor?" she asked. Barnaby had told her about being cooped up in the library to study with Rowan. 

"I wasn't very nice to her today," said Barnaby. "I should find her and apologize. And promise to stick to my schedule better."

"Why?" asked Liz. "If it's making you miserable, don't do it. There's nothing wrong with going outside every now and then."

"My friends have worked really hard to help me," he said. "I want to make them happy. Even if it means I'm not as happy. Does that make sense?"

"Not really," she said. "But, I've never had any friends, so I guess I just can't relate."

"Hi, Barnaby!" Sarah called as she exited the Great Hall. She was eating one of the muffins the house elves often sent up for afternoon snacks. "What're you up to?"

"Hi!" he said. "Just talking with my new friend, Lizard."

"Lizard?" asked Sarah, glancing curiously at her. 

"Liz for short," she muttered. 

"Nice to meet you," said Sarah, extending a hand. Liz shook it warily.

"Where's Jae?" asked Barnaby. 

 "Had to meet someone for a sale. I didn't want to know. Rowan's looking for you," Sarah continued, taking a bite from her muffin. "Something about you needing to practice your charm work."

"Barnaby's great at charms," said Liz. "He doesn't need any help."


"I saw him perform a perfect slicing charm and a scouring charm today. He also conjured cotton and gauze to care for an injured unicorn."

Sarah raised her eyebrows, impressed. "Well done, Barnaby. The tutoring must be paying off."

"The tutoring has nothing to do with it," said Liz. "He doesn't need all you so-called friends to keep him locked up inside hating his life when he just wants to be outside taking care of magical creatures."

Barnaby and Sarah stared at her, completely taken aback by this passionate outburst. Liz was giving Sarah an icy look that would have made Merula proud.

"It's okay, Liz," said Barnaby. "Sarah's not doing anything wrong."

Liz's defiant demeanor changed, and she resumed her frightened, shy expression. "Yes, well. Sorry, I just...I think your friends should want you to be happy."

"I do want you to be happy," Sarah said to Barnaby. "I'm sorry if I made you unhappy."

Barnaby shook his head. "You could never make me sad."

Liz cleared her throat. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I think I'll go to bed now." She hurried off before Barnaby could even say goodbye. 

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